DiggerDave in Pa.
Sr. Member
These are my July 4th river hunt finds. I figured I would hunt some of the trashiest spots and see what would turn up. The Railroad and everybody else dumped their junk about everywhere. My pics show - battery parts, dancer statue, bottles, 4 pocket knives on a big piece of copper, junk, small pick head stuck to the part of another tool, and a Huntingdon County AAA license topper. I thought the glass light lense was a funny color of yellow. The round thing in that pic is almost 3 pounds of copper. I tossed alot of junk into piles on the river bank to pick up later. I did get my two cents worth, 2 zinc pennies. It was a fun day of hunting. I know there's a Railroad lock or old coin somewhere in there and I will find it. Thanks for looking! DD.
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