Jessie James hidden treasure ******

Jesse James' treasure is another example of the fascination humans have with anything mysterious! The Roswell Incident, Blackbeard, the Kennedy Assassination, and about a million other examples! The truth always lies elsewhere.

Jesse James was a hard drinking gambler, a thief, a killer, and a man who like to partake in the activities at the corner brothel. What little money he ever won or stole was long since spent by the time he was shot by the authorities.


treasure stories are a dime a dozen. For those of you who've been in this hobby for awhile, you know there's no shortage of people who will come up to you, spinning stories "sure fired" treasures, blah blah blah. I wish I had a dime for every one I'd heard :)

I can't speak for you, but I'd like to have a dime for each one!

There are treasures to be found as evidenced over in England a few years ago when a chap found a ≈$2 million Roman gold trove his first hour ever spent in the field, with a used detector yet! That is the exception, not the rule, unfortunately!

Oh, there are treasures out there, plenty of them. Just have to study and hope you come upon a real story and not one that's been fabricated through the years.

Its like captain Kid.Attributed to stealing and burying more treasure than he ever stole.


I can't speak for you, but I'd like to have a dime for each one!

There are treasures to be found as evidenced over in England a few years ago when a chap found a ≈$2 million Roman gold trove his first hour ever spent in the field, with a used detector yet! That is the exception, not the rule, unfortunately!

Alan, I didn't say that there aren't caches to be found, and have been found. I'm talking about the dime-store camp-fire type superstitions and legends. Or the type that circulated in all the treasure mag's the 1960s & '70s. You know, the yarns about the lost mines, or missing/stolen military payrolls, etc.... The type that always start with how the dying miner drags himself into the wild west saloon. As curious on-lookers come to his aid, he spins the tale of his mine, and fabulous riches, and gives 4 clues to the location. However, he dies before being able to return to claim his fortune. Heck, throw a few artist depictions of a miner posed next to his buro, and .... it must be gospel fact afterall :) Those stories sold a lot of magazines back-in-the-day, eh? haha

The human mind wants SO hard to believe, that we put rationale aside and wax romantic about "treasure". Because afterall, you don't want to be "left out", now do you ? ;)

Those stories sold a lot of magazines back-in-the-day, eh? haha

The human mind wants SO hard to believe, that we put rationale aside and wax romantic about "treasure". Because afterall, you don't want to be "left out", now do you ? ;)
... Those stories still sell a lot of books..Look at the ones in the treasure magazine's . that helps sell them.. Then you get the TV show's The Jessy James But i like them i got that Jessy james on DVD i recorded it about 3 years ago or longer when it was on........ But the metal detecting shows i can't stand them... They find a dime or a button and you would think they found a treasure chest full of Gold........

yes...just saw advertised on I think it was the history channel,last night a special about the oak island treasure.Ive heard about that one since I was a kid,an people r still trying to find it

Well, I go along with a lot of your description, but I think you underestimate the amount of loot he obtained from banks, RR robberies, and raiding. He was married and had a farm under another name. I don't know how much he actually hid.

As far as the treasure hunters in the presentation, He did his homework on Jessie and compiled a pile of notes but he was over backed and short of actual hunting expertise. He used a GPR and backhoe which was overkill. There is no way Jessie would have buried his loot that deep. It would have gone faster and better with a 'good' 2 box and a PI detector. He didn't seem to realize that Jessie had to use objects to locate the caches and that they wouldn't be deep. Frank...
... Yes i always wondered why when ones go after those old Cache's or treasures why they use a backhoe . .

Yes, I saw the Oak Island ad too. i will be watching it also. I did a lot of research on that one and am interested if anything new will be added. The last I heard, they tried to drill a parallel shaft and the whole works collapsed. I don't even think they have found the original shaft. Will be interesting, but not my type of hunt. Frank...
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Last thing I saw they don't even know where the original shaft is anymore do to all the other digging.

Well, I'm still skeptical about how much money Jesse James really had for one glaring reason: His wife Zerelda died in 1900, a victim of abject poverty.

Maybe they use a back hoe because they don't want to get their shirts dirty...doesn't look good on TV, then people think it's a Tide commercial ! Lol!
There's always the LBJ caches or the health guy that kept money buried at his many spas.
There's treasure out there, it just may not be the ones most talked about.

I read that a lot of James Gang loot is still out there. But it's like finding a needle in a haystack!

Yes, I saw the Oak Island ad too. i will be watching it also. I did a lot of research on that one and am interested if anything new will be added. The last I heard, they tried to drill a parallel shaft and the whole works collapsed. I don't even think they have found the original shaft. Will be interesting, but not my type of hunt. Frank...

They should concentrate on finding where the water is getting in to flood the shafts, plug them, pump out the shafts, then dig to China. You can't ever hope to dig and make progress when you have the dangers of water collapsing the holes! I found this out while metal detecting Florida Keys beaches where some coins were lost a long time ago and there was always a possiblity of finding a buried cache or treasure chest some 29 to 34 years ago


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What I know about the James is they dont talk about that side of the family. There is living relatives today and they are nice folks. Just dont talk about the James Broithers.

Dozers and back hoes has been used on unstable or dangerous digs. Two treasures found in this area are very deep, in natural or man made holes. One was removed with heavy equipment. The other is still buried due to cost of extracting it with heavy equipment. The holes are dangerous, some made that way on purpose to keep folks out.

Some of the holes I have seen with a intact bulkhead has been backfilled. The removal off this material would take a lifetime by one man. But thats a big deep hole.

I once met a distant relative who talked about a big tree you went under the roots to a hidden canyon where a hideout was located. It is guarded and something that is passed down from one family member to another. He had a lot to say about this. I was not looking back then, but wondered how he had so much detailed information about such a place. The guy believed what he was talking about. Its not too hard to figure out what state or general area this place was in.

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