Cleaned out the garage Yesterday and went to the scrapyard, I can almost get both cars in the garage. still got alot of stuff to strip <6 A/C, 10 gauge wire and have to seperate a bunch of brass and copper.
860# of shred============$60.20
173# of ICW#2 @.80== =====138.40
6 batteries @$5 each=========30.00
22 pounds of Alum [email protected] ===12.10
Grand total==============230.70
Hoff out
860# of shred============$60.20
173# of ICW#2 @.80== =====138.40
6 batteries @$5 each=========30.00
22 pounds of Alum [email protected] ===12.10
Grand total==============230.70
Hoff out