its offical

that doest mean the fun is over ;D ;D ;D try the woods ground doesn't freeze because of the cover of leaves it has.We are still in the 60 & 70's down here in NC

As long as it doesn't snow in Crestview!

do u take in borders?i cook ,clean,and shop

LOL! I have too many folks in my house already but thanks for asking.

Yep, it is suppose to get down to 64 here on Saturday, with a high of 86 that afternoon, man don't you hate winters.....BRRRRRRR ;D

The Los Angeles / Orange County basin area ranges in the low to upper 70's while the surrounding mountains are in the 50's daytime to low 40's evenings...Snow (mountains) should be coming in around Thanksgiving at the earliest.

Getting below freezing point at night here in Idaho............windshield was frosted every morning this week. Its coming, the wind is cold & the leaves are falling. Damnit..........its coming. :P

I LOVE THE WINTER!!! Last year i remember driving home from Vermont to CT in a 3 foot deep snow storm!!! About 2 feet had fallen the night before and we drove back that day. It was still windy and snowing and an additional foot fell during the day. It was a lot of fun driving on the highway with 3 feet of snow on the roads. I saw a tanker slide and hit the guard rail. :o We also saw a couple car crashes and one car flew off the road. Everyone was ok though, good thing. Theres still plenty to do in the winter season, i personaly love skiing and sledding. Theres a huge hill in our yard that leads right to a hige tree and stone wall.... well... the tobbagon didnt cost to much anyways and the spike of wood sticking out of the try kind of tells a story all of its own. Ermmmmm... The plastic sled shattered upon impact. My friend was racing in the plastic sled and i was behind him in the 12 foot tobbagon. Unfortunately he lost control and slammed on the brakes (his hands on the incy hill) he couldnt stop and lossed control on the ice and spun out. I being in the tobbagon had absolutely no chance of stopping. I slammed into my friends sled which was turned sideways and the side fender flew off! It flee right into my face (with a helmet on of course) and i couldnt see. My sled was still pushing my friends sled down the icy slope at about 20 MPH. Unfortunately next my friends sled righted itself and faced forward. By the time he looked up and i got the piece of plastic out of my face we were about 6 feet from the stone wall going 20 MPH. My friend had time to jump off but me on the tobbagon crashed. Basically my huge sled pinned his little plastic one into the wall at high speeds, the plastic sled crumpled upon the forcefull impact and shards of plastic flew everywhere. Me and my sled kept moving and we whacked the edge of the tree and stone wall. The front of the wooden tobagon shattered from the wight and speed and came to a near instant stop. Unfortunately i forgot to keep the airbags installed and i flew forward, over the stone wall and into the snow. I was fine, my friend was fine, but the sleds werent. His plastic sled lay in about 50 pieces and mine in 3. Bad accident. Later that season i built a guard rail from wood designed to obsorbe shock when hitting the tree. I used to go wagon riding as well but the fender fell off.


;) 83 right now! Avg High all week, Mid 80's, Low's in Mid to High 70's! Brrrrrrr! :D


Snow is great to play in, but it really sucks to work in when you work outside. When I lived in Minnesota we had so much snow, you could touch the drifts by opening a window on the 2nd floor. Most I ever saw fall in a single 24 hour period was 38 inches. Trouble was we already had over 3 foot on the ground when it came and it was only January.

I had 4 room mates at the time (all over 23) and we would go to a high hill out side of town, each with an intertube, lock arms and start down the hill with one side starting just a little sooner then the other side so that we were spining like a propeller midway down.

OH, forgot to mention, we had party favors including a fifth of Tequlia at the top of the hill with us. ;D

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