Is This the Alarming Reason Kathleen Sebelius Hasn’t Been Fired?


Gold Member
Mar 3, 2013
SW, VA - Bull Mountain
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Primary Interest:
I wasn't going to post anymore political stuff today, but ran across this interview. It merits consideration, and perhaps fear. Essentially, this will become a minefield for the next administration.

There's a video of the interview...

Is This the Alarming Reason Kathleen Sebelius Hasn?t Been Fired? |

Michael F. Cannon, the Cato Institute’s director of health policy studies, has recently been warning Americans about the ramifications of the U.S. Senate unleashing the “nuclear option” and what it means for the nation’s healthcare industry.

Much of it is related to Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and Obamacare’s Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) which some, including Glenn Beck, have likened to “death panels.”

Speaking on the Glenn Beck Program Monday, Cannon explained that IPAB “has the power to do all sorts of things that really the Constitution leaves to Congress, like enact or impose taxes…”

“This is supposed to be a 15-member board, but if no one is seated on that board — if the president and the Senate cannot agree on whom the president will appoint… then all of IPAB’s powers fall, all of those legislative powers, fall to the Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius,” he said.
Michael Cannon of CATO on Kathleen Sebelius, Nuclear Option, and IPAB

Many have wondered why Sebelius hasn’t lost her job amidst the calamitous rollout of Obamacare, and Cannon suggested that it might be related to IPAB and the nuclear option.

“If (President Obama) fires Kathleen Sebelius for breaking the law, for an incompetent rollout of Obamacare, he would then have to nominate a new Secretary of Health and Human Services who would have to be confirmed by the Senate,” Cannon explained. “Now, it would be easier because he could get that appointee through with just 51 votes, but the confirmation hearings would be a bloodbath…”

“This would be the first the Health and Human Services Secretary who would wield all those lawmaking powers that IPAB gives that office,” he noted. “So it’s much easier for him if he just lets her stay in place, and then all those powers fall to her. She never had to go through that rigorous selection process, because there was no IPAB when she was nominated.”
Michael Cannon of CATO on Kathleen Sebelius, Nuclear Option, and IPAB

Cannon added that because of the Senate’s deployment of the nuclear option, “if President Obama and Senate Democrats want to, they could pack this board with 15 members who would be able to serve at least until 2020 – so through the first term of the next president.”

“And that next president wouldn’t be able to move any of these people; it’s basically impossible for them to remove any of these board members,” Cannon said. “So that board, packed with Democratic appointees, would then be able to run the Medicare program and essentially the whole healthcare sector without much or any oversight by Congress…”

When Beck said such an outcome is “insane,” Cannon said “it gets a little more insane.”

“For Congress to reject an IPAB proposal – they call them proposals but they’re really laws…you need 60 votes in the Senate to block an IPAB proposal,” he said.

“That’s really what everybody needs to be paying attention (to) with the nuclear option, is what’s coming next,” Beck said in amazement. “As with always, always with this administration – don’t worry about what they’re doing right now. Look to the future, what is coming your way.”

Somewhat this same info is beginning to leak out in both the Conservative media and interestingly enough, the liberal media too. Not as complete a thought as this, but the death panel thing, comprised of 15 UNELECTED people, appointed by Obammy is leaking out now and the leak seems to be getting bigger each day. Good Post Deep!!

It has taken long enough! This has been known for a long time! It has been made fun of and derided as outlandish by everyone on the left trying to quash this information.

They are constantly in need of hiding the truth until it is too late to do anything about it.

Ya'll might want to think real hard, when it comes to your, your spouse, parent, or childs' life, about whether or not you all want Kathleen Sebilus, heading the IPAB Death Panel!
Think real hard........

Kathleen Sebelius Won't Intervene In Transplant Case Of 10-Year-Old Girl

KS: "The U.S. health secretary said she won't intervene in an "incredibly agonizing" transplant decision......"

KS: "Sebelius conceded the case was an "incredibly agonizing situation" but said many complex factors go into the transplant list." formula.

Aunt of dying girl: "One moment they say we're asking for an exception for Sarah. The next moment they say we're asking for sweeping changes and it has to be studied,"

Lawmaker begging KS: ""I'm begging you. ... She has three to five weeks to live."

She don't want to dirty her hands now. Ask yourself this, will she have compassion when it's my life, on the line?

I'm watching Hannity on Fox, he has a panel of doctors, they are not happy with the O-care program.
Even ole Barrys' own cousin Dr. Milton Wolf is saying Kathleen Sebilus directly lied to congress, and places some blame on Pat Robertson, that he backed her and gave her one of the two winning votes for O-care. Also mentioned she was being investigated back then, and was shown she took money from some abortion group? (I lost track, got interrupted, sorry)
Yep, every time I need medical care, I look for a politician! NOT!

If they make a video of this, I'll try to post it. This is not just some forum posters saying these things, these are health-care professionals!
They are not happy campers........

I pray people start opening their eyes - It's all so easy to see.


I'm watching Hannity on Fox, he has a panel of doctors, they are not happy with the O-care program.
Even ole Barrys' own cousin Dr. Milton Wolf is saying Kathleen Sebilus directly lied to congress, and places some blame on Pat Robertson, that he backed her and gave her one of the two winning votes for O-care. Also mentioned she was being investigated back then, and was shown she took money from some abortion group? (I lost track, got interrupted, sorry)
Yep, every time I need medical care, I look for a politician! NOT!

If they make a video of this, I'll try to post it. This is not just some forum posters saying these things, these are health-care professionals!
They are not happy campers........

Usually their transgressions are better hidden.. You can bet she has a basement full of skeletons. Wiki doesn't even try! lollol
During the background investigation process for this position, in March 2009 she admitted to "unintentional errors" in tax returns and paid nearly $8,000 in back taxes.[SUP][57][/SUP][SUP][58][/SUP] She took unduly large deductions in areas that included charitable contributions, the sale of a home, and business expenses.[SUP][59][/SUP][SUP][60][/SUP][SUP][61][/SUP][SUP][62][/SUP]

Sebelius at an HHS meeting in April 2009.

In answer to questions from the Senate Finance Committee during her April 2009 confirmation hearing, Sebelius stated she received $12,450 between 1994 and 2001 from physician George Tiller, one of only 3 late term abortion providers nationwide, who was later gunned down. The Associated Press, however, reported that from 2000 to 2002 Tiller gave at least $23,000 more to a political action committee Sebelius established to raise money for Democrats while she was serving as state insurance commissioner.[SUP][63][/SUP]
Sebelius was confirmed by the United States Senate by a vote of 65–31 and sworn in on April 28, 2009, amidst an outbreak of swine flu in the United States, Mexico, and numerous other countries around the world. Lieutenant Governor Parkinson was sworn in as Governor of Kansas and served the remainder of Sebelius's term.[SUP][64][/SUP][SUP][65][/SUP][SUP][66][/SUP][SUP][67][/SUP][SUP][68]"[/SUP]

Dave, thanks for posting that.
I was listening to Dr. Milton Wolfe, who is barrys cousin. He's not a fan of the O-care.
I put the article up, for some who may not can download or link to it.

My Cousin Barack Obama and Our ObamaCare Family Feud | Fox News

When Barack Obama and I first met he had already become president and was furiously erecting the government-controlled health care system that bears his name and I had already begun a very public crusade to save America from it. Fate would never reunite our mothers who grew up together as young girls, cousins and friends, after they were separated decades ago, but now their sons bridged a divide in our family that was created by decisions not our own. It’s not often that a president’s most vocal critic comes from his own family, but I believe the inviolable oath I took to my patients demands that I oppose ObamaCare.

Today, ObamaCare is on the ropes—in the courts, and in terms of public opinion. While the Supreme Court denied Virginia’s petition to hear its ObamaCare lawsuit on an expedited basis earlier this month, this case will soon be heard by the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. In a more high-profile case, Judge Roger Vinson ruled the individual mandate unconstitutional. This lawsuit, which was filed by more than half the states in the union and led by Florida, will be heard in the U.S. appeals court in Atlanta in June. And in poll after poll, it has become clear that more than one year after ObamaCare’s passage, the American people strongly reject it. The fundamental flaw at the core of ObamaCare is the mistaken belief that the government can spend your dollars more effectively than you can. This tragically pessimistic belief views all Americans with suspicion as either incompetent or unrighteous but either way in need of big-government control.

Sadly missing from the national health care debate was an honest discussion of the origins of our health care system’s shortcomings. Let me be clear, while we certainly have problems, America still has the finest heath care system in the world. That patients flee their government-run systems -- like Great Britain’s and Canada’s -- and flock to America for our medical miracles should be an obvious clue to not recreate their failures; obvious to everyone, that is, except ObamaCare supporters.

While the Constitution does not give the federal government the authority to interfere with our health care, the big-government types have been at work for decades and have, by any fair assessment, wreaked havoc. The first health care waiver was granted in 1929 when the American Medical Association successfully lobbied that Blue Cross be exempt from certain regulations and taxes. Thus began the era of crony health care where Big Government’s friends were more equal than the rest of us.

In the following decades, Republicans’ and Democrats’ health care intrusions fueled increasing costs which priced more and more Americans out of the market. Many of the problems we face today are a direct result of those bad laws. The 1942 wage controls (and later tax laws), for example, forced the devastating marriage of health insurance to employment. Ask anyone denied employment or trapped in a bad job because of a medical condition how well that’s working out for them. Meanwhile state insurance monopolies create artificial barriers to insurance portability, increase costs dramatically and are responsible for 1 out of 4 uninsured Americans. The list goes on and on and the big-government type’s solution to these bad laws is always the same: more laws!

To call ObamaCare a doubling down on these government failures is a probably a betrayal of basic math skills -- it’s more like a quadrupling down. ObamaCare mandates that every free citizen purchase state-sanctioned insurance while it increases taxes (on everything from tampons and tanning salons to gold and the sale of your home); it increases spending even more; it turns health insurance companies into public utilities; it eliminates proven free-market reforms and it sets in place the mechanism for health care rationing. What’s more, ObamaCare has been ruled unconstitutional.

The unkeepable promises of ObamaCare are, as we say in medicine, too numerous to count, and are already collapsing. You can keep your current doctor and your current insurance. No tax increases. No rationing. Reduce the deficit. Four million new jobs created -- “400,000 almost immediately.” Public hearings. These are the pathetic peddlings of false hope.

The President made yet another empty promise: if there was a way to solve our health care problems with the free market, he said, he’d be happy to do so. I’m calling his obvious bluff. It’s not just that free market solutions will work, it’s that they already are! Areas like Lasik eye surgery, cosmetic surgery and even medical tourism have seen medical costs decrease and patient satisfaction soar. There are numerous reform measures Americans deserve; key among them are these:

Tax Fairness. Allow Americans to purchase their own insurance without a tax penalty. This will put the patient in the driver seat and make the insurance companies answerable to you rather than your employer. If they don’t treat you right, fire them, just like you would your car insurance company, your cell phone service provider or your grocery store. They’ll get the message or go out of business.

End state insurance and licensing monopolies. Use the enumerated power of the Commerce Clause (Article I, Section 8, Clause 3) to end the devastating state insurance and medical licensing boundaries that kill competition and drive up costs. We expect car insurance companies to compete across state lines; let’s force health insurance companies to do the same. We demand each state honor the other states’ drivers’ licenses; let’s do the same with medical licensing and force doctors to compete with each other.

Eliminate frivolous lawsuits. Democrats openly admit they avoided tort reform because they are scared to take on the trial lawyers. You pay a “lawsuit tax” on everything from Band-Aids to open-heart surgery. Consider this simple math: the average obstetrician’s malpractice insurance cost approaches $100,000 per year and they each deliver around 100 babies per year. That $1000 per baby “lawsuit tax” is on you.

I discuss these free-market reforms, the effects of ObamaCare and the history of government intervention in a new e-book essay called “First, Do No Harm,” which is part of Broadside Books’ “Voices of the Tea Party” series. I’m proud to call Barack Obama my cousin but my oath is to my patients and my loyalty is to liberty. You cannot choose your family but you can choose to stop them from tearing down the finest health care system in the world and turning America into a European-style social welfare state.

Milton R. Wolf, M.D., is a diagnostic radiologist, medial director and cousin of President Barack Obama. He is the author of “First, Do No Harm” (Broadside Books “Voices of the Tea Party” series).

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