turtlefoot13 Hero Member Joined Aug 23, 2009 Messages 733 Reaction score 105 Golden Thread 0 Location The Ozarks, Missouri Detector(s) used Teknetics Alpha 2000 Primary Interest: Relic Hunting Jan 14, 2015 #1 Going through some finds and came across this. It is non-magnetic and looks like there is a spot on the one side where a shank was. It is pretty well toasted. If anyone can help, I would appreciate it. Doug Amazon Forum Fav 👍 Treasure of Victoria Peak - Grab it through Amazon!
Going through some finds and came across this. It is non-magnetic and looks like there is a spot on the one side where a shank was. It is pretty well toasted. If anyone can help, I would appreciate it. Doug Amazon Forum Fav 👍 Treasure of Victoria Peak - Grab it through Amazon!
rick67 Bronze Member Joined Mar 29, 2014 Messages 1,614 Reaction score 1,728 Golden Thread 0 Location Smithtown NY Detector(s) used XP, Whites, Garrett, Lesche, T-Rex, RTG. Primary Interest: Metal Detecting Jan 16, 2015 #2 Being it toasted already. Why not try electrolysis to give it better definition. Upvote 0
duggap Bronze Member Joined Dec 11, 2007 Messages 2,055 Reaction score 1,053 Golden Thread 0 Location Chattanooga, TN Detector(s) used Tosoro Bandido Primary Interest: Metal Detecting Jan 16, 2015 #3 It is definitely a flat button. They were used primarily from 1790 to 1840s. Upvote 0