When I went to India people would show me USA coins they carried every day as souvenirs. People carry these here for the same reason. There are many fakes and the real deal is not valuable. Its ok (and we love it) to post pics of your find coming out of the dirt but you need to post a cleaned pic so people can see what it is. If this is old there is no telling why or who carried it. You are in VA If it is old and found in a field, it is very possible that this was carried as a "hand" by a slave. They would often hole coins to wear around wrist, neck or ankle to bring good luck and shed bad spirits. This came with a hole already, no brainer. THese were often lost in fields. I believe Most holed coins found in "slave area fields" are "Hands" (Any amulet worn to shed spirits) lost by wear and tear of the hard work invested there.
If you live in California, Dude, surfer neck piece probably fake.
You dug it, it's cool