Is there anything good to be found at less than 6" ?

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Is there anything good to be found at less than 6" ?

After doing some tests I have found that my VLF Treasure Detector doesn't pick up coins that are more than 6" deep, maybe this is why I have found only clad :-\. Should I move up to a better detector now or is there anything to be found out there at less than 6" other than the junk I have been digging?

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated, I really enjoy my new found hobby, but need to know if I am waisting my time, thanks.

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Re: Is there anything good to be found at less than 6" ?

90 % of all finds are in the 3-6 inch range. You need to practice with your machine and find areas that will produce the results you are lookin for. what kind of detector do you own? Where do you hunt and what type of hunting are you doing?HH

Re: Is there anything good to be found at less than 6" ?

First of all thank you for answering my post. I am very new to the hobby and do not know much I admit. I have a Bounty Hunter VLF Treasure Detector that I bought "like new" at a pawn shop for $50. It has two knobs, from memory they are "sensitivity" and "junk eliminator" I turn the sensitivity all the way up and the junk to "all metel" and yes, I end up digging a lot of pop can tabs and bottle caps, but at least I won't miss anything.

I live in a house that was built around 1920 and have only searched a small potion ( near the front door) and found two dimes and about a dozen pennies plus some junk. Other places I have tried is the boat landing near where I live. I just bought it last friday and had to move over the weekend so haven't had a chance to use it much, but I am going to the beach either today or tomorrow to give it a workout.

There are a lot of old abandoned farms, churches and houses up here in this part of Minnesota where I live, so I feel confident that there is something in the ground, I was just wondering how far down.


Re: Is there anything good to be found at less than 6" ?

I agree with floater on this one.I would have to say 90% of my finds are in the 6'' range
for most coins. Depending on ground conditions,sensitivity setting and discrimination level.
Your detector should be able to pick up older wheat ,IHds and nickels beyond the 6''
range ,if not then it's time to consider an upgrade in detector.

Re: Is there anything good to be found at less than 6" ?

Heck, I made my best find with a detector that I paid $7.00 for at a yard sale. It was shaped like a number 7 and was this gaudy orange color! The only two controls were "Tuning" and "Fine Tuning"! With this infernal machine I found about $200.00 in quarters and an 18" gold rope chain with anchor, both marked 18K in about 2 hrs. Most of the chain was practically on the surface and I was finding so much clad at that spot that I only grabbed the quarters (the clad was on the or near the surface) HH omnicognic 8)

Re: Is there anything good to be found at less than 6" ?

It is ?natural for new folks to want to move up the ladder to better detector performance. I started with a $40 BFO and today I have a $2250 detector on order.
If you remain in this hobby you will upgrade. Buying a low end detector for a first detector is actually a good idea as most folks do not have the patience and mental outlook for this hobby. Their detectors end up in their closets or at yard sales. Great expectations do not match real reality. It is only when you have paid your dues and have accumulated an incredible amount of junk and yet you still love this hobby are you ready to upgrade. Depth is just one issue to upgrade. A higher end detector will handle bad ground better, will have better ID(and deeper) and above all will be better in locating good targets in iron trash.

Do not think that life gets easier with a higher end detector. There is now a learning curve. You will have to learn a lot more now. It is a slow process of learning, learning and patience.
The depth issue has been brought up countless times before and it really does depend on soil conditions in your area. My most memorable find was a $10 gold piece found at 3 inches with a $90 BFO.

My advice is that if you really are addicted and will be with us a year from now look for a good used mid range machine(or high end) to upgrade to. If you are not that serious and your attention will be elsewhere in 3 months- enjoy your present detector.


Re: Is there anything good to be found at less than 6" ?

I agree, the best equipment is experience and familiarity with whatever machine you have! The best detector in the world wont find anything without being taken out and turned on! ;) HH omnicognic 8)

Re: Is there anything good to be found at less than 6" ?

My oldest coin was found at 3" a 1850 penny

Re: Is there anything good to be found at less than 6" ?

One of my oldest coins was an 1889 Indian Head cent barely covered with dirt. It sat on top of a tree root next to an dilapidated old church.

Re: Is there anything good to be found at less than 6" ?

I have to agree that the 6 inches for a coin is good enough....just like realestate ...LOCATION.. LOCATION.. LOCATION
Happy Hunting. Dan

Re: Is there anything good to be found at less than 6" ?

My girlfriend says no, but i disagree. HH

Re: Is there anything good to be found at less than 6" ?

I would think that is a good depth. I have found only one coin deeper than six thus far and it was a 1941 quarter wheras I have found a 1901 cent at 5 with most of my finds being in the 4.5-5.5 range.

Re: Is there anything good to be found at less than 6" ?

Wow, thank you all so very much for responding to my thread. I really appreciate all of your advice. Sorry I have not responded sooner, but I have been away from my computer for two days searching a beach on lake superior and I have a little story to tell you. I was on this nice somewhat secluded beach near a park when I got a hit between two big roots of this huge old big tree. The roots were exposed above the ground and went out a ways towards the water then went down into the sand. I had found a few things like maybe 6 bottle caps an odd looking bolt and a dime and a penny when I thought these roots looked like a good place for someone to sit, so I swung my detector and got a faint hit. I dug down into the sand maybe 3-4" and sread it out next to the hole and swung my detector over the sand and got nothing then swung it over the hole again and got a louder beep. I dug down another 3-4" or so and spread it out and nothing so I tried the hole again and got a huge blast. Wow, now I was getting excited, I was thinking pirates treasure. I stuck my shovel in the hole again and hit something hard. Now I was losing all sense of reality and control and just started flinging dirt out of the hole. I worked my shovel around this thing and started to realize it was not square, it was more round shaped. "A can full of gold?" anchor :'(. A rusty old anchor, lol. Someone must have lost it and it got washed up on shore or pushed up there by the ice and sat there for little old me to find.

Re: Is there anything good to be found at less than 6" ?

I have a mid-range Whites Prizm. Most coins I find are in the 4-5 inch range. I found a 1847 Large Cent at 4 inches.

Re: Is there anything good to be found at less than 6" ?

Hey just an idea but maybe the water levels were different and the anchor got lodged between the roots and the owner couldn't get it out, part of the excitement i have found in this hobby is wondering who,what or why the object is there. JMO

Re: Is there anything good to be found at less than 6" ?

I found a 50's wheat penny covered my maybe 1/8th of an inch of dirt. I also found a stainless steel spoon at 6".

Re: Is there anything good to be found at less than 6" ?

alot of the older coins I have found have been just a few inches down,some deeper but the majority are around 3-4 "

Re: Is there anything good to be found at less than 6" ?

Gooddog, can't say much more than the others. Just that doing research on areas that interest you is one of the best ways to find the better pieces. Schools and parks get you battery and a little gas money, beaches are usually better for jewelry items, grade schools hold no telling what the kids will drag there from home and such. Most of the old stuff is found in the older areas of your home town. Most towns have increased in size but the older homesites are still there. Check with your historical society and old newspaper archives for hints of what was going on and where, such as 4th of July celebrations, town activities, church picnics, old boyscout campgrounds, well you get the idea. HH and best of luck.

Re: Is there anything good to be found at less than 6" ?

They can if theres traffic over the muddy ground. Sometimes fill has been put in. I lived by Beaverton for 2 yrs and found old coins shallow and deep. A v nickle and indian cent around 2 in. and then newer at 5 in. Just never Know. HH

Re: Is there anything good to be found at less than 6" ?

rvbvetter said:
? ? ? ? My girlfriend says no, but i disagree.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? HH

Ha! Ha!

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