How right you arenova treasure said:The detector is just a tool, It's up to the person on how much they want to put into the hobby on how rewarding it can be.
Nova Treasure
U R such a bad boy .... That's why I like you so much .Nick Pappagiorgio said:detector ...
Aye, my lad but me granny always said, "Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he will not be disappointed".Seamuss said:It's partly the detector that can find anything metal.
It's partly skill to recognize the differences between some signals.
It's partly research to know where the good stuff would likely be located.
It's partly luck on occasions to be at the right site at the right time and sticking around till you find one more item before you go.
It's the detector, skill, research, luck and perseverance.
If you limit yourself to one thing in life then that's just what you will get. Expect more to get more out of what your doing.
A person is only limited by what they believe in and what they do with the good or bad information that they act on or sit on.
Yep, a person with no goals in life will not be disappointed when the goals are met.plehbah said:AU24K said:Aye, my lad but me granny always said, "Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he will not be disappointed".Seamuss said:It's partly the detector that can find anything metal.
It's partly skill to recognize the differences between some signals.
It's partly research to know where the good stuff would likely be located.
It's partly luck on occasions to be at the right site at the right time and sticking around till you find one more item before you go.
It's the detector, skill, research, luck and perseverance.
If you limit yourself to one thing in life then that's just what you will get. Expect more to get more out of what your doing.
A person is only limited by what they believe in and what they do with the good or bad information that they act on or sit on.
That is funny.... my granny said something very similar, except her version went like this: "Blessed is he whom grovels before the small hole in the dirt, for his Whitman folder will make him a respected member of his community."
What a coincidence!
CurbdiggerCarl57 said:College. Or Collage. That place you go to school to.