looks like a older type of bullet with a hollow base and patina is dull gray --(often older bullets are dull gray or whitish from oxidation depending upon soil conditions) what is its diameter?
it is about 3/4 of an inch long
and approximately 1/2 inch in diameter.
I dug this at the site I call the quarter corner,
it was about 8 in ches deep and hit under the
dime signal an my ace 250.
Does it look like a drop or was it fired ? It was deeper than most modern bullets I find. Its a good find. Thanks for providing something to compare it to.
ive went back over this site a few times, but thats the only
one ive found so far.
Thanks for id'ing it for me.
I think it was a drop, because of the shape it is in.
The pics doesnt do it any justice.