Iron age grave, with sword and spearhead +++

Bard Gauden

Titanium Member
Nov 16, 2012
Reaction score
Golden Thread
🥇 Banner finds
Detector(s) used
Minelab CTX3030, Minelab Pro-Find 25
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
On a detecting hunt during the Easter holiday I came across some iron objects in the ground stuck underneath some big rocks. After a little thinking I figured it had to be a grave.
So I called the county archaeologist and told him about my find. He was very happy to hear, and came to inspect the find a few days later.
He soon confirmed my theory after seeing it with his own eyes.

In the beginning of May, the excavations started. Two archaeologists from the museum and two from the county came to dig, they allso invited me to take part in it.
The excavation lasted for 4 days and we found lots of nice objects; Sword, Spearhead, Arrowheads, Axe, Schyte ++
They have dated the grave to "Late germanic iron age" 550-793AD

This is my best find... for now :laughing7:

(I did make a thread about this find in the Todays finds, but the title and some of the information is incorrect in it.)

If you have questions, I'll answer them :thumbsup:

Upvote 14
Awesome beyond words. That is the kind of find dreams are made of. The countryside looks like something out of a movie as well. Nothing short of breathtaking. No doubt I am voting banner on this one. CONGRATS.

Wow...... would love to see Norway. Guess I just added one to the "bucket list".

Brilliant! So glad they asked you along for the unearthing! What memories.

Awesome discovery , congrats to the team ..cheers Mick

Thank you guys, :occasion14: It was a great experience to be able to take part and see the artefacts.

I forgot to say, I allso won Minelabs "Find of the month" of April My greatest discovery by far | SuccessStories
Minelab sent me a goodie-bag with Minelab stuff + a $250 voucher to use at my minelab dealer :)

That is something else there!What artifacts those are!Did they let you keep any artifacts for showing them where to excavate?Find any human remains?Congrad's on the detector!joe

A smashing good find! Were there no bones at the site?

Thanks. We did find a few bits of burned bone but not much.

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