Interesting river video

River Talk

176_7661.JPGWell it may be elementary rivers 101 but its cool to have some verbiage given to some of the ground/water/swamps we see out there during our adventures

175_7510_r1.jpg 175_7504_r1.jpg And the person speaking has a lovely voice! I suspect these places might be termed "young river valleys" but they've been around for quite a few years................63bkpkr

Have Fun Alex!!

Ahh Heck John, its just a day spent wandering around. Everyone has the opportunity to see stuff like this just get out there and do it!

Of course some of those places will try ta do a person in should one make a misstep of any sort!! Its the super waterfalls that really turn me inside out wanting to get to them by climbing up avalanche chutes and rappelling over cliffs but the sight is always worth the effort. I mean pools of Rainbow trout 18" to 24" in length, like OH Yum! Then having been young and stupid once, now only stupid, I was hiking and noticed I was walking past a section of old river bed hanging on a high cliff, I recall saying to myself "huh, an old river bed" and hiking on! I've never been able to re-find it and it irks me!

170_7065.JPG PICT0109.JPG PICT0168.JPG PICT0381.JPG

Yup, a lotta years spent out there and I will never stop wanting To Be Out There! Of course, being stupid, I've put on a total of 30 lbs that I Will get rid of and about that time I will get back out there.

My Regards to you Hoser as You must have seen some superb back country as well and some interesting under water things as you spent a lot of time under water and maybe a few hours under beer, tease!

All my best to any and all that choose to get out there and not leave a trace of having been there!


Addendum: Injuries while "Out There"; chipped ankle bone, sprained ankle, more 'simple' cuts and bruises than I can recall (some of the scars stills show), heat stroke, broken leg, rescued out, hook in finger, rock on toe, almost injuries climbing trees to hang food bag, Sun Burns like to blisters(rafting), hiking into a clearing to find a HEAVY MUSKY ODOR SO STRONG IT MADE THE HAIR ON THE BACK OF MY NECK STAND UP and my right hand to pull the revolver from the holster and cock it (quite a few trails led out of that clearing), headache from water just melted out of snow. And then there is just going cross country (that means of course no trail) and when the angles get so weird that it creates vertigo (I really slapped my face hard to stop the brain spin on that one). But then when you come across a Bay Laurel tree that is almost 2' in diameter at the base you realize that you are in old country. At times you also come across old branch cuttings that have turned black they are so old, so someone has been there before you! What thrill!!

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Thanks for putting a smile on my face Herb. That and back country has been hard to come by this year and we BOTH got 30 pounds to get rid of but looking forward to you and me prospecting out in my neck of the woods. :thumbsup:

As for the video, I always seem to learn something...but maybe it's cuz of my memory problems. :laughing7:

168_6838.JPGHey Jeff, Any time I can put a smile on someone's face well it is simply a pleasure! Be fun to be out with you and it is on my mind as well! That is an amazingly lovely little Sierra stream with more exploration to do than I've time for but I'd love to do at least a summer's worth of exploration there.

163_6360.JPG Now this picture was taken way out heck and back in no trail country and I just did not have enough time to do it justice but I know how to get back to it though my trail markers were burned up a few years back in a major Conflagration called poor forest management. {what I mean by doing it justice - I found the outer edges of a historic river bed being slowly uneartherd. The GMT was dead silent so it will be a few more years before the location of where the heavies went down to be unearthed. There are major seams of quartz in the area} another sigh.

163_6361.JPG The Ole Bronco coming out one more time with the front hubs locked in, compound low and four wheel drive. Oh by the way, this good old beast is in getting a few things taken care of though this will likely be my last major money dump on her as when these mods wear thin it will be time for a new
4 x 4 pickup, w/camper shell, real bumpers front and rear, front winch and such.

Yesterday, "at work" was the first running of 'some' of the new equipment and tubing was produced. The project report that was issued brought smiles to management as they could feel good about spending some serious money that has shown its value. Next step, Real Value!! Keep smiling...................63bkpkr

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lol Looking at the second picture reminds me of my latest and greatest trip/fail on locating an old mine late last year. Eventually, even bushwhacking was in vain and I felt legitimately lost half the time. :laughing7:

Great thread! :occasion14:

IMAG0613.jpg NF American

Out There

Well Jeff, that second picture is quite similar to what you described and it is Easy to too EASY to get going in the wrong direction in country like that. Being in places like that is what causes one to see views that others may never see (some never want to) and it is the payoff of the Grand Vista, or the historic stream bed leaking out of the hillside or seeing some beautiful animal or seeing a spot you want to get to but you've run out of time that keep me coming back for more. It is 'tough sledding' in places like that and marking a trail, using a GPS, etc. is mandatory!!

175_7501 over the edge.JPG This spot is just a Wee Bit Touchy to keep from falling off of the ridge line which is about 12' wide and goes down precipitously on either side!

That is some lovely NFAR country, is it below Green Valley/Lovers Leap Gorge?!! It reminds me of being a bit lower down on the river with some rough and tumble country to play in on either side of the NFAR but the background looks lower. Keep um comin! (pictures that is) Yes the country side, if that title even fits for this mountainous stuff, is amazing! And I like the way the river Meanders some in your pictures (kinda brings us back to the original thread)...................63bkpkr

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You guessed correct 63bkpkr! Always enjoy your back country shots!

Then, Speaking about a Meandering River just consider where this edge of one may have been once upon a time when it was on top of the ground -

187_8772_r1.jpg 187_8774_r1.jpg In the second picture I was intrigued to see how the mineralization has cemented the river bed together. So is this tempting or what!....................63bkpkr Just browsing out in the hills minding my own business with not another soul within miles of me cause I'm nuts and go into some squirrely places!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahh, but the 25th of April commeth! Keep playing and dreaming and doing and trying just because.

Aufisher, you've got some great shots as well. That is some great country out there!.............63bkpkr

Oh, I've been through Lovers Leap Gorge three or four times from Euchre Bar all the way down to the second Colfax Bridge, quite some country!

Really a Nice Visual information regarding the flow of the rivers. Very informative an new to me. Find really interesting.

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