Vizzio , what makes you think it's copper? Was there any green corrosion on the ring when found? Was it in dirt or water , I have found quite a few old copper bands and none have looked like that , it's fairly common to have gold with 0 hallmarks or karat marks
We are in a copper rich area, so I just assumed. It's relatively heavy, and the stones tested non-diamond today... It was in rocks, not much dirt relative to rocks, near a little pond/stream depending on season. It was about 4 inches down in rocks, very hard to dig. I was thinking copper penny, since that's what it read on the e-trac...
I've dug many old plated copper band, and quite a few gold rings , I'm certain You found gold! Some alloys aside from intentional rose gold, will be very orange or pink especially if it's made by a local guy, another factor that weighs heavily in your favor, is the heavy setting around the stones and the ring is solid under the stones! 19c jewelers used much thicker mounts, get it tested , don't sell it to the 1st appraiser , a good jeweler won't charge you to test it, do you have a metal detecting shop near you they may be of assistance . If your told it's fake get a second opinion . Can you take better pics ?
The guy at the silver and gold shop in town had a tester. It showed simul on all the rocks. He also said it was clearly copper. I washed the dirt off and nothing else, didn't want to mess it up