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I was in the Adirondacks this weekend, doing some treasure hunting with some friends and family. We searched some caves we found, but only found dead ends. One cave caught our interest though. It had a large pile of rubble in the entrance. We moved a good amount of the rubble until we hit a point where it was too much. Where we stopped though, there was a large arrow shaped rock pointing down. At the apex of the point was a single piece of smooth sandstone that out of all the rubble we moved, was the only piece of that in the whole area. Under the sandstone was a lot of dirt that was quite loose. We dug down as much as we could, but it was hard as the entrance was tight. We didn't find anything, but thought it was very strange that the arrow pointed to one unique rock out of all the other rubble, and that the rock was right above loose dirt. Are we just chasing our tails there or does it have potential? The arrow rock was very, very large and one person alone couldn't have put it there. The cave entrance had another arrow shaped rock pointing right to it as well. I'll have pictures once my brother sends them to me. There were also a lot of curious "natural" marks around the cave as well as some precarious looking slabs and debris at the top of it. 3 slabs right above the entrance with a good amount of loose debris, then one large slab above that. Any advice would be appreciated as we want to go back next year and check more into the cave and search for more caves around the mountain. Thanks all!