info 4 u.

Doesnt that make you feel all warm inside that the gooberment cares so much about you that they spy on you to protect you.:laughing7:

Ya, i feel so damn safe it makes me want to break down in tears of frustration.

Keep in mind the number of phone calls, internet contacts, etc. There is no way they can track all of that. Even using key words, it's impossible. That said, you'd be a fool not to take a little care about the things you post, email, etc.

Well, there goes my ideas on new inventions to get rich...guess the government already has them.

Keep in mind the number of phone calls, internet contacts, etc. There is no way they can track all of that. Even using key words, it's impossible. That said, you'd be a fool not to take a little care about the things you post, email, etc.

Ohhhhhh,yes they can.Look up Fusion Centers

Well as long as we keep in touch with each other, they won't have a lot of work to do! Better yet, let's all start calling and emailing the other side just to confuse the data:laughing7:

They will also find out if you are a conservative, or Republican, and if you ever bought a hunting license, they know you have guns, so guess who will get treated first under Obama care. The IRS will know everything about you, including your health, bank accounts, everything they need to know to turn the screws on those that aren't politically correct.

I don't care if they spy on you as long as they don't spy on me.

three words to google: Stellarwind ThinThread Trailblazer.

Oh lordy, lordy lordy...........all of my guns have been lost in a boating accident along with my ammo. All I have left is my whistle and some scissors. I hope the government starts a "cash for scissors" program so I can get rid of ALL my violent items. I feel so safe now. I have Oprah telling me what to read, Bloomberg telling me what to eat, Feinstein and Biden telling me how to protect myself, Holder, Hillary and Rice watching my back. America is indeed the land of milk and honey although the milk is 2% fat free! (btw.....I don't even like tea so I won't be going to any tea parties) If only Obama could serve one more term...I know everything could be made better after 12 years.

Quick WAKE UP, your having a nightmare!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:laughing7:

This explains it! My friends and i exchange some really funny jokes via email etc. We have a person , friend of a friend who is an FBI agent. Whenever i tell this guy a new joke he says he already heard it. Now i know why!

THX!!! Now I'll save a few for him that i haven't exchanged over the net.

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