It was found in MO. Creek gravel. One end is a faint green/turquoise color. Not native to MO. Both ends are different angles so not intended to be drilled through. One about 5/16", other end 3/4" and flat at very tip. The convex "finger groove" I'm guessing is hard to figure. Wouldn't be necessary. But do think it's for bow drill.
Can you put up pictures of each end looking straight at the end and a good picture of the hole? I don't think it is for a bow drill but not sure what it is.
Not a museum, but a university 80 miles away had excavated a cave entrance in the 60's. Huge collection on display there. Didn't think like an Indian though and I've found other non native artifacts. Always thought it may have been a gathering area for other tribes to meat.
About the same size, haha. Yes it has stumped many artifact collectors at shows and I haven't found any information for its ID. Won't be letting go of it, but would like to know what it is and value.
How are the holes located on the piece? Are they at both ends or one at the end and one on top? It could be the start of a Pipe. Very cool piece whatever it is.
looks like it could hold a shaft,can you put your finger in it ,seen something like it,but what it was a tool that held a shaft for the at laddle,icheck the spelling out a little for me,i could put my finger in easy,but was hard to pull back out.