So You Want An Eight Year Old's View Of A Metal Detector...
Kid: "What's that?" <pointing to detector>
Adult: "A Metal Detector"
Kid: "What's it for?"
Adult: "Making little kids ask stupid questions."
Ok... wait a minute. That was my dad talking... let me try again.
Kid: "What's that?"
Adult: "It's for finding stuff that's buried in the ground."
Kid: "How does that work?"
Adult: "You know how when you walk at night with a flashlight? You shine the light on things and you can see them?"
Kid: "Yea..."
Adult: "Well it's like that but insted of light it uses magnets." (this is not actually very far from the truth...)
Kid: "Magnets? So how does it see stuff with a magnet?"
Adult: "You wave this thing here..." <points to search coil> "Around above the ground, it has a magnet in it and a thing that can see what reflects back from the stuff in the ground... like the flashlight, you can see stuff only where the light shines. Light can go through air and this magnet can go through dirt."
Kid: "So why does it make all that noise?"
Adult: "When you use a flashlight, you use your eyes. When you use this... <pointing at detector> "You use your ears. This way you can find stuff in daytime." (ok, a white lie, but trying to explain why light can go through air and not dirt would take too long.)
Kid: "Can you use it at night?"
Adult: "Yes, but you still have to use your ears."
Kid: "Can I do it?"
This is where the answer should always be "yes". If you make kids smarter, they grow up to be smart adults and don't do stupid stuff like bouncing basketballs all day or riding around in loud cars while people are trying to sleep.
Adult: "Sure, here hold it like this..."
Hours later the kid walks away with $5 in clad and you wonder how they figured out the detector so fast... remember, they are a kid and their brain is running 100 times faster than ours are.
Ground Squirrel