In Memory Of......


Silver Member
Jan 2, 2008
Black Hills of South Dakota
Detector(s) used
Tesoro Lobo & Garrett Stinger
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
It is with sad heart and mind that I write this.

As many know (and we thank you for the messages and concern), Mr. Oro and I have not been on Tnet for a few weeks.

After a frantic phone call a few weeks ago, we were informed that Mr. Oro's mother had suddenly had a very severe stroke. She still lives in Pennsylvania, so we hurried and made the 1800 mile trip to her bedside (in the middle that darned big storm the whole way).

When we arrived "home to Pa" the situation looked grim, and was going downhill from there. Our family started a "around the clock" vigil, never leaving her without a loved one by her side.

On February 9th, at 12:20 p.m, Roy's mom went to a better, much less painful place.

We are on our way home from Pa. as I write this, and will be back on Tnet in the next couple of days. (this is the first time we have had a connection on our trip).

Mom was 85 years young. An avid horsewoman, traveled to almost every state in the country and all around Canada, and was active (and I mean active - gardening, mowing lawn, baking, sewing, decorating, dancing, ) and continued to ride horses until fairly recently.

The day of her stroke she baked, cleaned house, worked a little outside and did her normal routine. She was, may I say, one hell of a woman, and we will miss her dearly.

Roy & Beth

Roy and Beth,
I am so very sorry for your loss. I will remember you all in my prayers and I am sure the rest of the tneters will as well..


That is so amazing! This was a woman that I wish I could emulate! A fierce liver until the absolute end. You gotta admire someone like that. Gosh, you guys knew someone amazing. That's the way I want to go. My prayers are with the family through the loss, and I do hope you find peace through realizing that her life was tremendous. Peace. -Noodle

I know you all will miss her. But, I have to say this....God, please let me live a live as active as Mrs. Oro! My heart goes out to each of you who lost her here on earth. At the same time I think how blessed you all where to have her in your life time. I will pray you all find comfort in her passing.


Roy & Beth,

My deepest condolences to you and yours. God Bless.


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Roy + Beth,

I have been concerned about you two for a bit; noticing your absence.
I am sorry for your loss. My deepest sympathies.
Sounds like she used up every minute God blessed her with ;)
Be well.

Beth and Roy,
This saddens me deeply.
My condolences and prayers go out to you and your family.

I wish you only the fondest of memories.

PM or email anytime you feel like talking.


Roy and Beth
My condolences and prayers go out to you and your family.
She sounds like she was a great and wonderful lady.
Keep her in your hearts and she will be with you always.


My condolonces to both of you. Prayers are on the way from a fellow Pennsylvanian. I will also be praying for God to hold both of you close in the upcoming weeks as you go through this sorrowful time.

My condolence's to the Family as well,I'm sorry for your loss.

Roy and Beth,

I am very sorry to hear of your loss.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
There is a much better place, than this world :)


My thoughts and prayers are with you as well.

In sympathy today,
In friendship always...


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