Im 17. Is it unusual for me to be so into prospecting?

Welcome to Treasure Net !!
I may be older than your grandpa and I'll give you respect.
Use 'old timers' to gain knowledge quickly. Many will help you; disregard the others.
Go do what you want to do and don't be concerned if others think it's 'unusual'.


Shimp, I got into prospecting when I was around 12 or so and haven't looked back. I'm 32 now and always love introducing new people into prospecting. Just get out there and have some fun most miners are very friendly and willing to offer advice. Good luck!

Thank you. I just want tk say I didnt mean "old timers" offensively at all. Ive just heard it been said. Thanks for the advice guys!

Thank you. I just want tk say I didnt mean "old timers" offensively at all. Ive just heard it been said. Thanks for the advice guys!

lol I do believe 'old timers' is fine by most of us :laughing7:
it seems to suggest assigning knowledge by age and expirence here.

or in my case forgetfulness :tongue3:
(my oldtimers is acting up) :laughing9:

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Don't worry about what others think, just do what you enjoy and prospecting isn't hurting anyone or anything so go get some color and have fun doing it.

The mining community needs more young folks joining our ranks. When you learn something from the 'old timers', pay it forward to your peers and get them involved in prospecting. If you're into social media, spread the word.

Check my may pick up some good info to help you discover more gold on your next trip.

I got started in 1968, when I was 14, and have loved it ever since.

Who cares Shrimp!!! I started metal detecting when I was 30 (34 now), and of coarse people give me crap about it. Not serious, but busting my balls cause it's kinda dorky. What ever tho I enjoy it, kinda like fishing, never know what your gonna catch. If you enjoy it, DO IT!!! Think after 40 years of panning you'll have a NICE retirement find.

you work hard for your money this is like taking a break and you will laugh all the way to the bank good luck.

You've seen a couple few of my gold pics from recent times on your other thread. My wife used to really tease me about the gold in "hey, are we rich yet? Haha. Well now that I'm having a ring made for her out of my wild gold, she brags about me to her friends. Keep the faith!

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I guess some of us may look a little mean. it seems after some time we tend to look like the environment we work.. RUGGED. Prospector are usually very free with knowledge and taking the time to help others. I figure your worries are needless. I would try to find some local prospecting clubs in your area. A good place to start.. T-net has a very wide variety of members from all over and is an excellent resource in the pursuit of gold... Anyway Good luck be safe and gets some gold.

Shimp, while you are young, there are still a few bennies to learning
what you are now, while at that age.

Most of us here over 50 could easily add the tag of "O&B" to our
ID's cause all those little aches we had at your age are now not
so little. BTW, O&B stands for "Old and Busted"..

About 4 hours of diggin'/sluicing is plenty for me, and that's about
all I can handle at a crack. Hard digging and classifying just wears
me right out...BUT, at 17 you can go out there and bust ass all day
and still have the energy left to do it all again the next day.

A friend and I went out this afternoon on a whim, and worked
for about 3 hrs. I ran 5 gal. of 1/8"- material, and that's a lot of
classifying in this rockieranhell creek. Had an awesome afternoon
with beautiful weather, but there will be a price to pay tomorrow.. :BangHead:

How about we make you a bit less of a greenhorn...when can you
make it up to Skagit County? Can't promise anything but small
gold, but we can certainly tune up your panning skills and show
you how to properly set up and run a sluice. 8-)

Been looking forward to having Jesse425 up as well...maybe you guys
could carpool up for an afternoon?

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Hi Shimp,

You have a computer at your disposal, something us old timers never had. Don't take it for granted, everything you want to know about prospecting is at your fingertips.

Of course there is nothing like working with, or talking to experienced miners, but the younger generation has a big leg up on how we got started 40 years ago.

Good Luck, post some stories n pics.

ShimpZD There are worst things for a 17 year old man to get into Buddy. I too was interested at that age, however the discovery of girls almost led to the ruination of me. D*mn hormones

I Wish I would have started when I was 17.....I'm only 35, but it sure isn't getting any easier :)

I've never had any issues with any of the "Old Timer's" that I've come across. Quite the opposite, I feel when they see my miles upriver, workin hard, that is usually all it takes. Have gotten great technical info, as well as locations.....just from talking real quick and exchangin some stories.

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