I found this Woodbury product where WW2 troops used to camp. Can anyone help me positively identify it, or have a photo of it in its original form? I can make out Woodbury and shaving cream... but nothing more.
Thx! But I can't find a picture of that exact tube. I find several from the 40's and even pics of Woodbury "military sets" which include shaving cream, but all the tubes of that era have bakelite caps.
I wonder if this one is from WWI... You know when the Army finds a good spot for a camp they continue to use it for a long time.
Here is an image from the 1942 Sears Christmas Book:
It could easily be. I have found coins from 1919 and earlier. I know it was heavily used by troops, so could have easily been earlier. I just can't seem to find a photo of what it looked like in good shape, or an exactly(close to) date.