Idaho lawmaker was to nulify EPA rules

Agreed, we all just have to pull together even stronger now and help save our rights here in Idaho; we can't let history go down in shame. Let's do this together as fellow prospectors.:occasion14:

Here's a YouTube of the Legislative hearing on dredging. Quite interesting. At one point an Idaho State Representative asks why Montana isn't being shut down by the EPA. The answer was that the state stood up to them and that Wyoming is drafting legislation defining river jurisdiction...maybe, now Idaho will do the same.


Here's a YouTube of the Legislative hearing on dredging. Quite interesting. At one point an Idaho State Representative asks why Montana isn't being shut down by the EPA. The answer was that the state stood up to them and that Wyoming is drafting legislation defining river jurisdiction...maybe, now Idaho will do the same.

Yup was there live! It was refreshing seeing the expressions on these Reps faces!

Here's a YouTube of the Legislative hearing on dredging. Quite interesting. At one point an Idaho State Representative asks why Montana isn't being shut down by the EPA. The answer was that the state stood up to them and that Wyoming is drafting legislation defining river jurisdiction...maybe, now Idaho will do the same.

Yup was there live! It was refreshing seeing the expressions on these Reps faces!

Did you testify?

What's your thoughts on what our legislature will do?

That was about as good as it gets for a pro-mining hearing. Now PLEASE follow it up with threats of litigation, - its the one thing they all listen to. Dig deep
and send letters from the best law firm you can afford "on behalf of the undersigned miners, we at Jones and Smith, attorneys-at-law, do hereby serve notice..." Both Calif. and Ore. miners thought that their comments had weight - they DON'T.

Nope didn't testify.

I think I need a new keyboard or need to learn to type...what's posted for the title of this thread isn't what I typed, god I feel like a idiot for not proofreading!
It's supposed to read:
"Idaho Lawmakers Want To Nullify EPA Rules"

The fourth speaker and the sheriff are dead right- more then dredging, your fighting for your states livelihood. Lumber and tourism gone, fishing and rafting guides gone, commercial use of the outdoors gone. You all have seen the results in Ca and Or don't follow suit. You have to band all the user groups together and start a relentless, down and dirty fight against those that wish to take away what you have. Right now you guys have the best chance to succeed. My hope is that your winning will establish a foot hold for the rest of us to dig in and turn around what's been done to us. I know rah rah rah, can't help it, these folks have recharged my batteries.

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Finally a politician with some common sense and some huevos:notworthy:

So Idaho is considering getting their state "water management rights"? back from the Fed gov't? Is this similar to what Alaska went through years ago?

I think most of us would agree, some regulation is a good thing. But this business of suing the govt left and right over every little thing, even nothing factual at all more often than not, has to stop. It's becoming economically reckless at best, malicious is probably more accurate, but thats another matter. Those who live in wood built homes that endeavor to stop all timber harvests will spend eternity in a house made from their own feces, as just reward for their righteous hypocrisy. Might sound a bit severe, but its just a small step in the right direction. Not my problem.

Since I'm soapbox preaching to the choir, I'll just go ahead and say it.

Most any development needs some type of environmental impact study/statement as part of the permitting process. If whatever development would disrupt/displace any environmental resource/habitat the responsible party has to make right by offsetting that with equal reservation and or restoration of said environmental resource/habitat.

Seems simple enough to me that any person, group or entity that proposes any action that will have any economic impact on any development ,will offset that economic impact by allowing development of equal economic value within reasonable cost, distance etc. Over simplified yes, but I think you get the point.

"Some regulation" That is why we have States! We can certainly take care of ourselves. We do not need a monsterous Fed. government dictating from Wash. D.C. how we manage our land .The States are not an exstention of the almighty all knowing Federalies. This is hardly some " little thing" to sue the Fed gov. It is certainly not reckless to stand up for our rapidly decreasing rights.

"Some regulation" That is why we have States! We can certainly take care of ourselves. We do not need a monsterous Fed. government dictating from Wash. D.C. how we manage our land .The States are not an exstention of the almighty all knowing Federalies. This is hardly some " little thing" to sue the Fed gov. It is certainly not reckless to stand up for our rapidly decreasing rights.

I couldn't agree more. Although I think you miss understood the intent of my 1st paragraph. I assumed by saying that "Those who live in wood built homes that endeavor to stop all timber harvests will spend eternity in a house made from their own feces, as just reward for their righteous hypocrisy." the context and point of my opinion and to whom it was directed would be made clear. Perhaps I was mistaken.

Admittedly a little off topic with regards to over reaching federal jurisprudence over what should be state issues. Nonetheless I still feel the root cause of these oft "manufactured" crises are the result of special interests, be they county, state or federal, decisions. I suppose your reference is more directed to federal power mongering in general though.

What if the "State" is taking away your "FEDERAL" rights?

Goldwasher, the founders solution after all else failed was to move to another state. That doesn't help with natural resources. I'm not sure Ca can be rescued without something extreme happening.

Just as Calif. has nullified (temporarily) the federal mining laws, the county Sherriff's can nullify the state laws, just sayin.

Yep it starts from the ground up. First people then towns, counties, states and countries. Peoples perception is the governing factor. This is why im naming my dredge the "eco clean". After all... Im dredging for lead and mercury... The gold is just a "by product" lol.

Yep it starts from the ground up. First people then towns, counties, states and countries. Peoples perception is the governing factor. This is why im naming my dredge the "eco clean". After all... Im dredging for lead and mercury... The gold is just a "by product" lol.

Just curious, what do you guys think would happen if a LEO confronted a dredger with super-quiet muffler/sediment curtain, and haz-mat certification for handling mercury ( and a bucket full of lead weights and trash)?

Just curious, what do you guys think would happen if a LEO confronted a dredger with super-quiet muffler/sediment curtain, and haz-mat certification for handling mercury ( and a bucket full of lead weights and trash)?
they don't care how much good your doing ! They just want to control everything..

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