I have been metal detecting since 1995. I bought my first machine at Radio shack. It had knobs for ground balance, sensitivity, discriminate, all metal, pull tab reject, but when I read the manual I didn't understand it so I just turned it on and went out metal detecting. I dug a lot of trash! Well over the years I started to understand how to work the machine and became much better at the art. I have found a lot of coins and some pretty cool stuff. I have since upgraded the machine and am finding more good stuff than ever. What I am wondering is what I would have found at those early sites if I would have known what I was doing? How much cool stuff did I miss because I didn't know how to work the settings on my machine? I live hundreds of miles away now so I doubt I will ever get to go back. When I have visited there wasn't any time for metal detecting. Too busy visiting with relatives.