I TOUCHED HISTORY ! With help from new friends.


Jr. Member
Jun 8, 2014
Pittsburgh, PA
Primary Interest:
Hello All, I'm back and I got a chance of a life time to finally touch history, the 1618 San Martin cannons. WOW, what so many of you routinely do, or have done, is absolutely awesome, mesmerizing, incredible. It takes you back to the day, you have now become a part of that story or adventure. Great stuff. Be thankful, for there are those of us, thousands of dreamers and wanna-bes, whom only dream about diving and finding treasure or wrecks. I share my humble, not a big deal, story for those like me, who want to see it, experience the thrill of the find.
My sincere thanks to Ropesfish, Gitschlag and Kym for helping me, trusting and teaching me so much. Great people, wish there were more like you guys.
We set out of Sebastian Inlet, and rounded the corner Southbound. It takes a moment to realize the significance of where you're sailing through. The wrecks of the 1715 and other fleets. The stretch of straight sandy beach, where many stories of treasure have surfaced was right under my feet, and I would soon be diving in it. My 1st search for real treasure, other than my wife of course. The swells were a bit much for blowing holes, so we decided to still search for whatever. Now, having dove a lot further South in Fl., when i stepped in and started down the short 15' depth, I realized the colder water, poor vis, and freaking sea urchins everywhere. Better have your bouyancy down. We were supposed to be near the 1618 cannons scatter field, i believe 7 of them. My diving partner alerts me as to, "HERE THEY ARE". I almost spit my reg out swimming over, fighting the swells above. OMG, there they are. Right in front of me, I'm seeing a years worth of dreaming, planning, collaborating with great people (thanks Sadds}, driving hundreds of miles, actually coming into reality, and i can now touch history, so dam cool. 1618 San Martin cannons A.JPG1618 San Martin cannons B.JPG

Thanks again Bill, Kym, Grant and Kevin. I'm hooked, and will be back as soon as possible. safe dives and happy hunting all.

Awesome story & GREAT Friends!

We were more than glad to have you, sir. You were a pleasure to have aboard.
While we have a lot of work left to do this year, next year will be bigger and better...we will have all of our mechanical issues worked out and be working WITH the boat instead of ON the boat.
Maybe we can get an ROV project going...

Bill, you wanna do an ROV job, contact old man...

Good morning Kevin-
Iteach is going to be working on a MATE (or similar) competition with the young people that he teaches. That was just a reference to an earlier conversation about MATE - Marine Advanced Technology Education :: ROV Competition Home. I have some experience at making things like that.
However, if I need one, I'll drag Ed down here while it's cold up there in The Frozen Hell. Bet I won't have to say much more than "and we'll pay your air fare and hotel".

If anyone is interested in promoting a very healthy water-centric competition at their local schools or colleges, There are a lot of things going on with the MATE Center MATE - Marine Advanced Technology Education :: Home and there are also the AUVSI competitions to be found here:http://http://www.auvsifoundation.org/competitions

I recommend Old man cos he has a site that needs your particular trusted integrity.....he reckons it's 75 ft too deep for me to dive on it on air for him....( so he says... Ha ha)

Sads669, don't tell anyone, but I respect you too much to worry about you diving on our site. It's too deep. Even if I did see video of a piece of gold jewelry and other goodies.

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I recommend Old man cos he has a site that needs your particular trusted integrity.....he reckons it's 75 ft too deep for me to dive on it on air for him....( so he says... Ha ha)

I'm nominally available for an adventure with a paycheck!
I can fix you up with John McCain (no, not that one) at Narked Scuba if you need a refresher on "Diving on Welding Gas". :P
IANTD Technical Programs | Narked Scuba
C'mon back when the weather clears up and go diving in the surge wid us, mon.

got tanks.jpg


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Will do, took two really inexperienced Germans in deans blue hole today......real work..ha ha


Pretty sure John would be upset with the air dives I do...ha ha

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Hey Bill,
My HS engineering students are going to try either the SeaPerch or the MATE ROV competitions this year. I may even try to host a regional competition at our HS pool this early spring. Which of the 2 programs/comps do you think would be better for a start up program ? Better support and resources and better educational value ?

Hi Brian,
If it were up to me, I'd suggest that you talk to the MATE Competition Coordinator, Jill Zande, on Monday. I think you will see why I favor them...besides the fact that I have followed their competition for more than a decade and these people have their ducks all in a row.
I am very happy that the ONR and AUVSI have hopped on the ROV competition train, but I think they do the autonomous vessels and vehicles better.
The folks at the Marine Technology Society have a good bit of education stuff you might find of interest as well:

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