I know what it is... need help figuring out a possible date range?


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Jan 15, 2019
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I saw this picture in our local antique shop on a picking trip. It's actually a farmers market where the farmer's wife also sometimes sells antiques... I live in a country little mountain town lol! They always have good produce and homemade goods, as well as the odd really cool antique score now and again. Always a place worth stopping in for a picker. I saw this "creepy little girl" picture and I wanted her for MY workshop/man cave BAD! I
just couldnt justify buying it for myself, but my wife went in and scored it for me for my birthday! What a great girl! I have a thing for "creepy kids/toys/dolls" etc. Anything that just gives you that spooky feeling really, and this little girl is right on the money lol! She is the type who's eyes follow me around the room as I work lol. I named her Verma, after my late grandmother. I dont have ANY provenance, so I'm just going with it lol! I have stared at this and wondered since I've owned the picture, when is this from approximately? My only guess is around 1900? I'm judging by the clothing etc. Her shoes stick out to me. But I tend to be off in my age estimates, so I figured one of you more experienced guys or gals could give me a better date range for this piece? I'm sorry the pics suck, but it was the best I could do without taking it down. I also have no clue why they are sideways... they are right side up in my gallery? I hope somebody can put a good date range on this baby! I dont plan to sell etc, I just like to know what I have! I know the condition isnt great and the frame is NOT anything special, but it's old and it has the look I personally like. Not really worried about value or anything(plus the price was really a steal).Id also like to know if you guys see any initials or letters at the bottom right(where a signature might be) or if I'm just seeing things in the staining lol. Another thing I've noticed is it almost appears as if the girl is sitting on a man's lap... it looks like I see a shoulder in a suit next to her, but it could easily be some type of chair. I thought maybe she was part of a larger picture and was cut out and re-vignetted if that makes sense, but I doubt it anyway. Any opinions, especially related to when this was done, are very much appreciated! I am just flying by the seat of my pants here. I love it one way or the other, it's old and it's got the feeling I shoot for in my decor lol! I'll keep it! 20200429_233235.webp20200429_233246.webp20200429_233250.webp20200429_233255.webp20200429_233300.webp

I apologize for my novel up there. I'm known to be more than thorough in my explanations... and this lock down has me a little more cuckoo than usual lol!

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I think your guess is pretty good on the time frame. I'm just guessing here too but I was thinking between 1880 and 1910. I don't get a creepy feel from this photo personally, but I do happen to have an old creepy little girl pic that is one of my relatives from about that same time period. My Mom gave it to me but I would never hang it up on my wall, lol. If I can ever find it again I will look you up and see if you are interested in it since you like creepy photos.

Sometimes the name of the photo studio is on the back, you may have to peel away some of the paper they used to line the back of them with if it has that.


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Photos back then can be bizarre. Lots of pics of dead babies being held by their mothers. Dead children all dressed sitting next to live siblings. Creepy is right. Glad we got away from that stuff. Gary

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I'd love to see it @Goldiver! I have some creepy old pics of family members as well, I do display mine though Haha! My daughter calls my room the "haunted office" lol. I dont know if I have any ghosts, but you definitely get the vibe. I do buy old creepy stuff... I'm always looking! @Toddspoint I know! I've been tempted with a few post mortem photos in my day, but never pulled the trigger. I actually have a picture of my great grandmother in her casket. She died in 1968, before I was born, and I only know of 2 pics of her... 1 is post mortem. I'm glad we have the opportunity to document our lives as we do now. It would be terrible if the only time you could spare the expense to take a photo of someone was after they were dead.I had the same thought cross my mind when it looked like a""cropped out" person next to her. Though she appears to be alive and well lol. I wish I had more history on the piece. I have taken this picture apart and it's actually inside a smaller frame, in the bigger ornate frame. There are some pencil marks on the back, but seem to just be random numbers and prices from yard sales or the like. Maybe I should look again and see what I can find! Thanks for the input and any more replies are welcome!

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Just to clear something up here for myself... is this a hand tinted PHOTOGRAPH or some type of actual PAINTING? I always figured it was a tinted photograph, but the deeper I look, the more it looks like it may be completely painted... maybe just heavily hand tinted? Any opinions on that are welcome as well as age estimates or any other useful knowledge. I just collect the strange... I'm not an expert on antique photography or art etc lol!

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Keep in mind little boys were dressed like little girls at one time too.

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I've considered that as well! Especially when they were this age and younger, it's hard to tell. Looked like a girl to me, but that's my speculation lol. Now I am gonna second guess that too!

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