I keep trying!


Jr. Member
Oct 7, 2007
Hi All! I have been MD'ing for the last couple years. I don't get out as often as a lot of you but I am out as much as I can. I have found lots of wheaties along the way, probably forty or fifty. I have only found one silver coin the whole time. I found a few silver trinkets but no coins. I found a lot of the wheats at my folks house. I tell my buddy that they were too poor to loose any thing but pennies. My buddie hasn't found too many silvers either. We live in an area near Kingston New York which is rich in history. Kingston was originally the first capital of New York state but the Brisish burned it down. Most of the old homes around are posted from any activity. There isn't that much public land around that is approachable. Even the majority of the access to the Hudson River is posted. Any time you find a great spot you can bet it has already been hammered. I am not whining, I love this sport. Just got to figure more areas to hunt. I am retired on a disability retirement now so I will have more time soon to hunt. Will eventually find the mother lode. Thanaks for letting me post and keep the great posts and pictures coming. Good MD'ing!!!! Bob

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It took me 6 months to find my first silver coin. They will come, good luck.

Keep digging and welcome

Welcome to TNet Bob! My silver finds began coming regularly when I began hunting older areas..by "older" I mean old enough to find silver. You can find virgin turf in an old yard that's 50 years old or older, and you don't necessarily have to find them all in one place. If each one holds a couple of silver coins, then 10 yards can equal 20 or more of different denominations. Try asking friends, people from your church, or anyone you come into contact with..then see if they know anyone you can ask. Sometimes they ask for you. If you can start in one old yard and are hunting for any length of time, you'll not only find obsolete coinage but you'll eventually get to meet other people from the area who may be curious and you could ask them..I've gotten permission many times that way and I can assure you it was worth it to ask. If they say no, you had nothing to lose to begin with. Hopefully you are within 5-10 miles of homes or old property where this is possible.

Good luck, and when you find that second silver coin make sure you show it off here.


I am with ya! I still have not nailed down my silver yet. I love seeing everyones posts of their old silvers and just keep hoping mine is coming soon! Good luck to us all! :thumbsup:

I have been md'ing in Kingston and all of Ulster for 12 years so I have pretty much been everywhere. There is still a ton of stuff out there. Just have to do some door knocking. I PM'ed you a list of a few good places to get you in the right direction. I have permission to them all and all the owners are nice people.

I know how you feel................most of my area is blocked by D.E.P. or state land.................... :(

Just keep asking around .....some one will say yes................Good luck............. :thumbsup:

i found silver on my first day out. But that was back in 1961 ;D. I spent it at the candy store.........NGE

i know how you feel. the silvers are few and far between. check out wooded areas ,if you can. they weren't always woods. if nothing else, it's good exercise. the big one is right around the corner. GOOD LUCK !!!!!

I think you are doing great. That is a huge amount of wheats. I have never found one wheat or silver. But love MD'ing just the same. It's the hunt most of the time. Good luck, keep trying and the silver will come for you.

Too bad to hear that. I have heard other complaints about hunting in NY but I guess that's the way it is. At least you keep trying and are finding some coinage, so don't give up if you don't find any silver. You just have to be in the right place or lucky, or both. Welcome to TNET and let's see some more of your post's in the future :icon_sunny:

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