Hello GaDigger81!
Sky Pilot here!
Without getting too technical the frequency (measured in kilohertz) is how many times per second the detector sends out and receives back it's signal. Most detectors use between 5 to 50 KHz
and very generally the lower the frequency the better the response to silver and the higher (to a degree), the better for gold and smaller targets.
In answer to your question, there is no best frequency. There are detectors made for specific purposes of course, but a general purpose detector will work well in an all around detecting situation.
The detector you use will most likely be a general purpose one (made for all around searching) and usually have a mid range frequency of
12-15 KHz, to be useful when hunting both gold and silver for instance. There is a great deal more to it than this, of course (soil compostion, mineralization, matrixing, etc.) but I hope I've helped answer your question.
Welcome to TreasureNet!
Regards Sky Pilot