I have 2 leads close to the old Butterfield Stage building,Vallecito,Calif.

Hey Rattler, if you go ,I have a tip for you, bring a compass , stand in the stage station doorway, sight your compass toward the South end of the rocky ridge that runs along the North side of Treasure Canyon,Northwest of the station. Detect along the top of the ridge line. Oh and watchful for snakes,hideing in the shade below the ridgeline.GdLuck :thumbsup:

Hey guys just remember, it's illegal to hunt on park land. I know I said the station is about where the " A " is however I double checked the google map I have here. It is clearly on park land. The area that encompasses Treasure Canyon is also on park land. Plus to top it off I know at least 2 rangers that live within 3-5 miles of the station. Just recently there were some " Mexicans " ( that what the other posts called them ) digging some new holes behind the station and the rangers were on it in a flash. If it were me I would not take that chance.. Just a FYI......



If you pay taxes its your land to, wait till the rangers go to dinner,then check it out,if you get questioned just show them a copy of your tax return,remind them you are paying their salary , retirement,and medical beneifits. :tard: :tongue3: :thumbsup:

hey gang,
Just a quick update on this post, the area between the Laguna Mts and Vallecitos stage station is now VERY OFF LIMITS !!!! Apparently the land was " obtained " by the park system, and they are in the process of doing " archeological investigations " of old Indian remains etc. The park is DEAD SERIOUS about arresting ANYONE who would go to this area. There are no trespassing signs posted EVERYWHERE !!! and on this I have been told that they WILL arrest and prosecute ANYONE who does not obey the signs... Just a FYI


ghostdog said:
Ok, these are possible"s and maybe impossible"s. The 1st is what most are looking for,the Mexican bandit"s,buried $80,000 dollars in gold he stole from miners....The 2nd is where in 1948,a treasure seeker useing a early metal detector found a cache of Spanish coins dateing from 1665 to 1885. I have not been there myself,but would like to team up with someone who knows the area.Anything found ,by partner or partners,would be evenly spilt. My hunch is there might be more where the Spanish coins where found....If it is possible to search this area,than most deffinetly finds could made,no matter how searched it is.

I would like to team up. I live above Murpys, CA. About 5 minutes from Vallecito. TTC

pegleglooker said:
hey gang,
Just a quick update on this post, the area between the Laguna Mts and Vallecitos stage station is now VERY OFF LIMITS !!!! Apparently the land was " obtained " by the park system, and they are in the process of doing " archeological investigations " of old Indian remains etc. The park is DEAD SERIOUS about arresting ANYONE who would go to this area. There are no trespassing signs posted EVERYWHERE !!! and on this I have been told that they WILL arrest and prosecute ANYONE who does not obey the signs... Just a FYI


PLL is right, you start poking around the park and you will go to jail. First they will take your car and then it goes down hill from there. If you think this is a joke try it. The government will not screw around when it comes to archaeological hunting or prospecting and treasure hunting. You will be looking at 10 to 25 years. Don't drop the soap.

Wow, just when you thought that YOU were the government THEY go and throw YOU in jail for FINDING stuff that THEY (YOU) didn;t know was there. Representative government gone awry.

Hey Gang,
I was told that the area behind the station has now been reopened..... to foot traffic ONLY!!!!! Good luck, that's a looooooooooong walk..


Kind of an older topic but I might have some news on it.
In 2005 Cousin Dave and I spent the weekend at the station. It wasn't until later did I find out that's not the original site of the station.... but moving along.. while camping out there, early in the morning we heard the sounds of a cat. A large cat, Growling and fussing and such. I climbed up on the roof rack of my VAN, to see into the brush a little farther, but saw nothing. Cousin Dave, is somewhat of a wildlife photographer so here we went bushwhacking back behind Vallecito, Station.
We never found the cat, but the scenery was nice and it had earlier sprinkled so lots of birds and rabbits to look at. We were just hiking along and we stumble upon this 2 room dwelling built entirely of mud. It had a wooden window frame (no glass) and a wooden door frame (no door) and the roof was just old boards lay ed flat, mostly they were rotted away and a few had fallen into the the structure.
We hung there for awhile, took GPS cords, and pictures, just kind of poked around. Decided we would keep it a secret and come back in 2 months with equipment to further look around.
Fast forward to 2007.
Cousin Dave and I went back to V/Station and camped in the same spot. (this time there was a camp host on site). While there we did all the ghosthunters stuff, like going into V/Station building at midnight and taking pics and such as well as taking pics at the gravesite of the lady in white...har har har.. nothing to report there. then early in the morning we set out on our bushwhacking trip to the mud structure. This time we both wore packs with water, food, stuff, and my metal detector (Tesoro B2Umax). As we rounded the way there... I noticed that there was somewhat of a road that had been made into the dirt, we started following the 'new road' and came upon some parked vehicles (trucks). The trail from the trucks was where our GPS was pointing so we quietly walked down the trail (there was not a 'trail' or 'road' when we first came out in 2005)! When we got to the structure we found it being (study-ed) by a group of 20 somethings and a couple of older fellas. They were very surprised to see us and at first were somewhat .... acting like a$$holes, but when Cousin Dave told them we were just out taking pics of birds and wildlife they became pretty cool. They had told us THEY had located this old mud dwelling and that they are from the archeology department of some collage and that they were performing a study on the building. I asked why they were burying 12"x6' sonotubes around the building and they said they are going to pour concrete put up a 'pole barn' with roof to preserve the structure and then they were going to use the structure and the area (how far i don't know) around the structure for further study. On acouple of occasions they did remind me that this was private property now, and we could only come to look with permission only. So that ended our search of the mud structure.... I like V/station and the sourounding area's. I have sense bought books and such telling about that area. I want to go back sometime and look in area's that are not allready claimed by someone... I guess the longer I wait the less area there will be to look at.. lol Anyway I just thought I would add to the story.

The "mud hut" is the Bailey Earthen Structure. It was built by Olin Bailey around 1907. Bailey ran cattle. This is on California State Park property and metal detecting or collecting of prehistoric or historic artifacts is against the law.

Hi Hatabdsp,
We are all VERY aware that the area is now state park land and that the staties just finished a investigation out there. They have identified several Native American sites and that is why foot traffic is the only way you can get there... No 4x4ing....or so I'm told...


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