I guarantee nobody has seen one of these...now I just need to figure out what it is!


Bronze Member
Feb 6, 2013
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Paid $5.95 at a local thrift store. It is pretty heavy about 5 lbs and 18 inches tall. Pretty sure its Indian - so it it just a decorative hand painted mask? I'm going to put it in my antique store case, what would be a good price to put on it?

Thank in advance for any help.


Interesting decoration for a wall or something. Wondering why the top part seems to be a seperate piece or if something was broken and repaired back together on it. I have a masks (used to be several before friends loved them so much i gave a few away) from Africa, and the back of yours looks like some of the ones i have which have been hollowed out by rudimentary methods.

Does the face of the person come off or is that just an outline of the face on the front? Did you check around it for hidden compartments, used to see a lot of stuff overseas that had hidden compartments in them for goodies. Puzzle boxes were a popular buy overseas and lots just thought they were boxes but had hidden compartments in some.

The top section does come off - unsure if it was damaged or intentional. It seems solid otherwise, but I will check it better tomorrow.

Look very carefully for color variance, wood grain variance. Bought a puzzle box for my parents years ago, put lot of other smaller gifts in it. Overpacked the wee out of it and told them to be very gentle with it because there are breakable things inside, DO NOT SHAKE IT!!! Well there was nothing breakable inside but it took them 3 months to figure out how to open it HAHA. They said it was a cool and cruel thing to do, any guest they had over they said would be amused for hours trying to figure it out also =)

Maybe the Hindu Goddess Laxmi? or possibly from Nepal.

Or it could also be the Hindu Goddess Saraswati.

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