I got skunked last night!


Silver Member
Dec 10, 2004
East Central Kentucky
Arriving home last night around 11:00, I was greeted by an adult skunk on my front porch steps. Being the sneaky guy that I am, I tip toed into the side door, fetched my shot gun and flashlight and commenced to skunk hunting. I found him beside the house digging in my compost pile! I closed the gap to about 20 yards when I saw the tail go up and got the warning shot of spray. Lucky for me a decent wind was blowing and with the distance between us, I was safe for the moment. I fired a shot right at his hinny and MISSED! He fired the afterburners and was gone. I ran around the house (upwind) to see if I could get another shot off but he was gone. My place is in the country and wide open and I couldn't believe that a skunk could disappear like that. So, go back in the house and man was I in trouble. Mr. Stink had gotten under the house and let out the big dose! It was bad, he might as well had been in the house.

So, I figure with the smell as bad as it was that I probably stunk just as bad as if I had taken a direct hit so I decide to go under the house after him. I thought that I might have wounded him and didn't want a dead one under my house. I peeled back some of the underpinning opposite of where he went in and put my big flash light in there and I was surprised at what I found. Bottles and jars all over the place! At the risk of taking a direct hit, I commenced to pulling out the "score" one bottle at a time. I did have a respirator mask on to filter out the smell and it still reeked real bad but I couldn't wait three or four days to retrieve the bounty. Pulled out eighteen in all. Most are old soda bottles but also a nice peanut butter jar, a milk jug and an OJ jug. Also several small items that look like spice containers.

I could see a mounded hole next to where Mr. Stink entered under the house so I left that area alone. I can see another 12 bottles in that area and maybe more in front of his mound. Who would have guessed?! To most, a spraying like the one I received last night is a mini disaster but this one has turned out to be quite rewarding.

As far as I know, Mr. Stink is still under the house, I'll have to trap him. And no, tomato juice doesn't work, it's a myth. Lucky for me, I've had close encounters with skunks before and I've actually taken a direct hit once. A bath in peroxide, baking soda and dish soap as well as washing my clothes in the same solution and I'm relatively odor free this morning! But the house is a disaster. It will be expensive to rid the entire house of the odor but finding the bottles and jars was worth it, trust me. I will post pictures when the smell dissapates! I WILL get those other bottles!

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Reminds me of the time my dad and I went trout fishing on the Beaver Kill in Roscoe, NY years ago. We were woken up at about 3 in the morning, with a skunk in our tent, sniffing around. We pulled the sleeping bags up over our head and tried to gently nudge the skunk out the front of the tent with our feet. But the skunk was too interested in what else was in the tent, and was not leaving. So my dad ripped out the back of the tent, grabbed the pitch fork and started chasing the skunk around the campground. He still maintains to this day that it was me that did not completely zip the tent closed. <hums innocently>


round one.



hhehe hope you have better luck the next time around! good luck with those bottles...serb

Yo! Rebel here: LGA! :o Yeah... gotta watch out for those pole kitties... I remember my dad killed one under porch of our house... stank up the whole place... he tried to get hound dog go in after dead pole kitty NOPE... hound dog looked at my dad and probably thought (in hound dog thought... "Are you crazy?"... ha! ha! ha! ;D). Anyway... well done, and good luck to you in further

My dog has gotten direct hits from skunks, n crap, taken a bullet for me, (we were being robbed) but we were at church) and he stil lived, gotten about 1000 needles in his nose from porkipines, ect gotten ranover onece and he is sittin in my livin room right now! he is one tuff dog! he is 12 now, old but moderitly healthy, and as for skunks: well i hate their guts!!! and great finds for the bottles!!!! HH CS

Coinsaver your dog's name wouldn't be LUCKY would it? That shouldn't happen to a dog. Cladius.

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