picked up 4 boxes of half dollars today and when i got home and opened the boxes almost every roll in all 4 boxes had a CRH mark on the enders on both sides. Not different marks the same mark. Yes all boxes were a skunk but the real reason i started this thread is to find out how someone has the time to not just mark but do a mark that actually takes time and do it on, well lets see, 4 boxes of halves 1000 halves per box thats 4000 halves, about 3,900 of them!!!!! are you kidding me! i was amazed at the amount of coins this person marked. Tim zim at least took the easy way out this person is just ridiculous! Its so bad that i am considering bringing them to florida with me in a few weeks to dump them there. seriously though this is the first time i really got exceptionally annoyed with marked halves. Now i see what everyone is talking about. I mean if you wanna mark 20 or so fine but some people go way over board. the amount i am telling you is not a exaggerated amount it may actually be more, and thats just what i got! better luck next time.