Bronze Member
I went to my bank today to pick up 10 boxes of pennies. I have a few (four) different banks, and each one now is giving me 10 boxes of pennies each week. I can't work them all, but I"m okay letting them stack up. I'm trying to get my boxes in stock before the 2008 pennies come out and flood the market. I get enough of the 2007s and don't need a new year of 8 BILLION pennies interefering with my searches.
Anyway, I was at Wells Fargo, and waiting for them to bring out the boxes of pennies. I looked in the teller's till for silver, and didn't see any. then the teller next to mine finished her client and no one else was in line. So, I moved her way a little, leaned over, and looked in her till. And I saw SILVER.
It was half dollars. MOst of you know that I have written about my bad luck of searching halves. I've searched 16 boxes, and only ONCE did I find more than 2 silver coins, and 11 of my 16 boxes were skunks. NOT good luck. But, in this little till I saw that about HALF were silver.
I asked for her halves. She asked why, and of course I told her that I liked to give them out to kids to inspire coin collecting. I wasn't going to tell her she had SILVER in her drawer!
She has 14 halves. $7.00 total. And I found EIGHT silver halves. Three were 1964s! Yep - three 90s and five 40s. Better than my box searches!!! WOOHOO.
I know that many of you out there find eight silver coins as an average, but since my average has been so poor I was ecstatic over this find. $4.00 of silver in $7.00 of halves. And THREE were 90s, moving my total to FOUR for the year.
And all I was doing was picking up pennies. :-)
I liked the day!!
Anyway, I was at Wells Fargo, and waiting for them to bring out the boxes of pennies. I looked in the teller's till for silver, and didn't see any. then the teller next to mine finished her client and no one else was in line. So, I moved her way a little, leaned over, and looked in her till. And I saw SILVER.
It was half dollars. MOst of you know that I have written about my bad luck of searching halves. I've searched 16 boxes, and only ONCE did I find more than 2 silver coins, and 11 of my 16 boxes were skunks. NOT good luck. But, in this little till I saw that about HALF were silver.
I asked for her halves. She asked why, and of course I told her that I liked to give them out to kids to inspire coin collecting. I wasn't going to tell her she had SILVER in her drawer!
She has 14 halves. $7.00 total. And I found EIGHT silver halves. Three were 1964s! Yep - three 90s and five 40s. Better than my box searches!!! WOOHOO.
I know that many of you out there find eight silver coins as an average, but since my average has been so poor I was ecstatic over this find. $4.00 of silver in $7.00 of halves. And THREE were 90s, moving my total to FOUR for the year.
And all I was doing was picking up pennies. :-)
I liked the day!!