I found a great spot to MD in


Full Member
Jun 9, 2005
Well, tomorrow morning i have my spot all picked out, I can hardly wait to get out there with my MD again. My parent's neighbor had his whole yard dug up today with a backhoe, he is going to plant grass there he told me, he gave me the green light to MD there and said i can keep anything I find. I think it will be a ball, even if I dont find anything. this really mean crusty guy used to live there when I was a kid, and he worked out in the yard all the time. I hope he dropped a few things over the years, I guess I will find out soon enough. At any rate, I am so excited about it! I just wish i had more time to put into this spot. Today I received the unfortunate call that I have to go back to work on Saturday. I work on a tugboat, so im going to be gone in Alaska and California for about the next 45 or 50 days. The only good thing about having a job like this is that when i get off that boat, I'll have about 45 or 50 days off to really get into this hobby. I sure wish i started doing this a long time ago, but at least i am doing it now. It is going to be rough to not be able to get my MD fix in the morning, but i'll manage. Does anyone else here work on tugboats? If you do, please let me know. I am a Tankerman for Crowley out of Seattle Pier 17. I live in Tacoma. I wish i could bring my MD on the boat with me, but there just is'nt room for it, and I doubt id get time to do much hunting. Iv found alot of cool stuff just laying around in Alaska, I could'nt imagine what would be in the ground! There are a ton of abandoned logging camps and fish plants up there. not to mention forgotten cabins and old housing. I go into these little hole in the wall places from time to time , and have found a few fun items over the years. The coolest thing I found was a old steam whistle off of a old hunk of junk long forgotten log donkey or "skidder" that thing was solid brass and it took me the whole trip to shine it up until it glowed. I wish i never would have given it to the engineer, but he was more excited about it then I was, and he is a good friend so i let him have it. That thing was louder then anything i ever heard. We hooked it up to the air compressor after I got it all shined up, and it just about blew out ear drums out. I could'nt imagine what it would have sounded like with a full load of steam behind it. Anyway, thanks alot for all of the tips so far everyone. I am sure there are alot more to come. I love this message board and all of the stories on it. I will be sure to share with you all on all of my finds and stories that I think you may enjoy. Talk to you soon, sorry this post is so long, Brad

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Good luck on your site. It might not be a bad idea to try to find some room, and MD's dont take up much room. It would be better to have your machine and not have a chance to use it than have a chance and not have your MD. Just a thought.

good luck on the job, keep in mind that there are machines out there that break down into 3 pieces for easy and very compact carrying, roughly size of duffle bag/gym bag.

wow...yeah Alaska has got to be the final frontier...even more so than Colorado...people have been going over all of Colorado since the 80's so there's not very many "forgoten" places anymore...but Alaska....I could only dream of the stuff "just lying there" I can hear it now...take me springsman...take me. ::)

Hi Brad,
sorry about being called back when have such a good spot .I under stand about your job chief engineer on boat here in north carolina but like my schedule better 14 on 14 off.good luck and good sailing.

I worked with miss river towboats and barges since 1959 semi retired now because of back injury . received my tankerman licence, 1960, upgrade to grade A 1965 , ammonia 1971, let all but pilot licence go about 1993. Only work about one or two days a week now . too much work tends to interfere with fishing and MD ing !!!!! got columbia river pilot licence about 1985, but never been there ! just wanted to have endorsement !wish was going to alaska with you !!!!!!!!!! good luck ;D swinging my garrett every chance i get !!

Kixlsyd,Try and log in once in a while when your not working. Let us know how it goes up there. Sounds great and be safe. HH
PS . I would definetly find a way to take my detector. A lot of gold still in Alsaka. ;D

Yeah, maybe I should take my detector with me, it would sure be nice to have if I did get the chance to get into shore and hunt a ittle bit. Today I found out I dont have to go to work untill the 22nd, things change alot in the tugboat business, but im happy about that. at least it worked in my favor this time, now I have 12 more days that I can go MDing before I go back. Im stoked. Talk to you soon, and i'll keep you all posted. Brad

Take it with you man. You never know. They say that "gold is where you find it" Alaska is one of the biggest producers around. Check thos old logging camps, specially the salloons. The drunks would drop alot of stuff like coins gold dust etc...think about it! Good luck

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