I found a 500 year old coin!


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Nov 22, 2012
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Approximately. I posted a couple pics of a coin I found the other day. Identifying it from the pictures, is well, problematic. Here is the coin. IMG_0499.webpn IMG_0503.webp I wasn't even SURE it was a coin. The history of the area is that the Spanish were in the general area in 1556 and again, recorded in 1570. They did not put up a settlement, although in the 1570 excursion, the Jesuit priests were killed by the natives. Captain John Smith sailed up here in 1608. Maryland was officially founded in 1634.

Now to the coin. When in need of a service, go to the best source you can. I know a collector and dealer in antiquities and VERY, VERY old coins. The kind of guy who can ID a Roman coin to emperor, type, material and dates with a quick glance. And the same for colonial and European Medieval issues. I've known him for over 20 years, and he is GOOD. Now he has the set up for coin identification. Reference books we only dream we could get a copy of, heavy duty microscopes, the whole nine yards. Well, he took a LONG first hand look at the coin. I went over the history of the area. He stated it was indeed a coin, suffering some fire damage. That would account for the "ickiness" in making out detail on the coin. He matter of factly stated it was not of English origin.

As we discussed the coin, he pointed out the size, thickness, crudeness, impressions, and material it was made of. I hadn't even thought of the THICKNESS as something to consider.

In fourteen hundred and ninety two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue. Well, the Spanish copper small denomination coins then where a little thinner than mine, but he squarely put the coin's age in the beginning to mid SIXTEENTH CENTURY. That makes it approximately 500 years old. Heck, that's even older than I feel some days.

He also thinks it's Spanish, which is kind of what I thought, and others here have thought. Anyway, it's been sitting 20' off a main highway, which would have been an old American Indian trail for well over 450 years, assuming it was not made the day it was lost.

My thoughts were the coins was 100 years NEWER. However, I will listen to the expert in the matter. Who would have thought...and it's NATIVE. Not part of a lost collection.

Oh, smokeythecat, THAT is a "smokin'" find! CONGRATULATIONS on such a specatacular find...Here I go again... Banner for me [emoji6]!

It looks like dog dirt, for sure! But my expert is right up there, the best in the league. No banner, I already have one up there. But thank you. I am in shock. What a year! I was torn between piece of junk and coin, but the expert knows what he's doing. My digging buddy nailed it as Spanish, but our best guess was wrong by 100 years. Still looks like a junker, however. I'll have to label it carefully.

Great save, Smokey...yes, a little rough, but it is 500 years old! I hope someone can nail the true identity. Congrats on a heart-stopper...Ddf

nice voted banner

It might be rough looking, but I hope I look that good when I am 500 years old.

What a fantastic find!!! That is indeed a heart stopper, although I wouldn't count it as junk with the image on it I would not have thought coin.

Thanks Gold Boy. I am still in shock.

Holy shhhmokeythecat!

That is great news congratulations!

Great find. I knew something was going to come of those strange ones you found last week.

No, this is a separate find and this was from a site about 80 miles away. Very, very old site. To think this coin has been sitting a few inches in the dirt overlooking a major state highway for over 400 years is mind boggling.

You find it all, Smokey. Probably because you hunt everywhere you can find the time to do it. But even if I was hunting with you I would probably walk right over it with the exact same detector. Lol. Congrats.

Wow smokey thats crazy old for over on this side. Congrats !! Sweet !!

Thanks all. I do go a lot. Fourth time out since Saturday. It may be a Spanish Cuartillo. Found that term, but most of the literature on it was in Spanish, and it's too late tonight to figure it out. During the reign of Philip II of Spain early 16th century these were used. And no, I never heard that term before. Will have to look it up.

I have two late 17th century coins from sites in Maryland, and two very early 18th century coins, one from Maryland and the other from South Carolina. I may have a couple more, I forget to count the silvers, which are few.

I have five which were from old, lost collections. This one here was lost here by itself, fair and square. My mom got me into looking for things in the dirt. I'm sure she would smile and or freak out if she saw this coin. (Or call it a piece of junk!) LOL

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Well, now that I'm semi awake "Cuartillo" is a 1/4 reale. The design, even fire damaged, could be from Enrique Henry IV of Spain, 1454-1474. Was trying to envision what it would have looked like BEFORE the fire. The soil within 10' or so of this no longer shows any fire residue. I did find a few tiny pieces of broken pewter spoon within a few feet. If fire damaged, which is what we believe, it was more than likely a campfire, not a home fire. Oldest house on the property probably does not go farther back than 1670 or so.

Thanks digger 460. It's made its way into a holder!

UPDATE! I have a positive ID on the coin. It is indeed almost 500 years old. It is a Phillip II of Spain 1/2 Blanca, a very small Spanish coin from when I thought. Took 10 days to figure it out, those coin books are 3" thick and it takes awhile to go through them.

UPDATE! I have a positive ID on the coin. It is indeed almost 500 years old. It is a Phillip II of Spain 1/2 Blanca, a very small Spanish coin from when I thought. Took 10 days to figure it out, those coin books are 3" thick and it takes awhile to go through them.

Excellent..good research. Is there a photo from the book or a link to share? With verification would love to vote banner.

I actually am going to try and find one to purchase, then I'll put a photo up when it gets here. It has that distinctive row of circles around it like mine does. That really threw me off at first. And you can't vote banner, although I appreciate the thought. I already have a banner up, although, personally I like THIS find better than the gold. My book is kind of old and has the old brown newspaper look to the pages, so I don't think it will copy, although I might be able to do a photograph. The big Baltimore Whitman coin show is next week, that should do the trick.

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