I dont know... Maybe a pound and half of melted copper?

The Aluminum Monster

Hero Member
Mar 18, 2015
New Bedford, MA
Detector(s) used
White's Coinmaster Pro, Tesoro Mojave, Garrett AT Pro, 5x8 DD, 15" NEL Attack, Garrett Pro-pointer, Pro Series 5x9 sand scoop, 30" Royal Compact sluice, 36" Bazooka Gold Trap, Gold Cube.
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I don't know... Maybe a pound and half of melted copper?

I went to a far field at my mom's today. It was hugely disappointing and frustrating due to outside factors. I hadn't been out there in a few years and beavers have flooded the place, poison ivy has taken over and I am not sure if I could have been any more covered in ticks. It wasn't enjoyable at all and that bothers me because I know the field once had activity in it and I've now got to figure another way in to her woods where the old rock walls are.

I mean, seriously. If this were a working farm again, our chief export would be poison ivy and lyme disease.

Walking back to the race track, I was swinging my detector and in a slightly depressed, swampy, muddy spot, a spot that I can always recall being muddy and swampy, I got this hit. It rings in solid at 80-81 on the AT Pro. It was completely covered/packed with mud but I could still feel all the bumps and it was quite heavy. I had to move some downed reed grass to get to the ground.

Brought it back and washed it off and can clearly see the green patina. I mean, it looks kinda natural from some angles and it looks like it could have been melted at other angles. Put it on a food scale and it bottoms the one pound scale out.

Ideally, I would like to hear people say they think it is something melted. My mom's house was rebuilt after the original property burned down pre-1909. We've never been able to get an exact location where on the property that home was but we know it is not where the current house is.

I didn't get another tone ANYWHERE where I searched today except for this. It was weirdly quiet. No tractor parts, no horse shoes, no coins. Just this.

So, anyone have any ideas? Should I file a section to see the inside? Try to clean it some? Dunk it in ketchup or coca-cola for a while? I'm stumped.

Thanks for looking and any help. Happy Hunting!



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I would say it's a melt from the fire. I've dug lots of crap that looked like that at our farm. People used to burn everything back then to get rid of it also.

Damn somebody is modeling ant holes .vanzutphen

I would say it's a melt from the fire. I've dug lots of crap that looked like that at our farm. People used to burn everything back then to get rid of it also.

I tend to agree. It is just so bizarre to me considering where I found it in the field and that there were absolutely no other signs of life in that area. Not a grunt or a beep at all.

Between where I have found the large cents and crotal bell and where this was found and where historic mapworks tell me the old homes on the property were, this is becoming quite the puzzle to me. A quite enjoyable mystery but a mystery nonetheless.

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