I could be standing on a big pile of who-knows-what....if the county lets me....


Full Member
Oct 13, 2005
De Pere/Green Bay Wisconsin
Ok....after reading about Gypsy's hunt at the fairgrounds, I figured.....why not? I live a block away from the fairgrounds here and the county fair ended yesterday. So, late last week I went to the Park Director's office to get a permit for county parks. The receptionist said I was the first person to ask for one....and she's been working there for 3 yrs. She had to look up the regs. in the county statutes. Of course, the actual Park Director was on vacation and won't be back til Tuesday....and I need "written permission" from him. Hopefully this pans out. I never see anyone out MDing around here and if no one has gotten a permit in 3 years???????? (assuming they're not just going out permitless).
Hopefully this all pans out.

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NUTS TO THE COUNTY!!!! Apparently, the county only allows MD'ing for special occasions/reasons (i.e. lost wedding ring, gold tooth....). I don't just mean digging holes...I mean metal detectors all together...EVEN FOR SURFACE FINDS! If the county wants to call broken bolts and dirty pennies "county property", so be it.

Don't feel bad they have no medal detecting signs hung around our local fair.
Just teach them a lesson don't go to it like me LOL

>:( Whenever I see a NO MD sign & there 's no logical reason why, I assume that the Powers To Be all own MD!

Seen it on Padre Is. Nat. Seashore!!

Also doesn't it seem strange that a fair share of TH Locations become National Monuments, Seashores, Historical Sites, etc?

Next time, ask to see their Collection!

Wow that is really a shame. We have no rules on metal detecting county parks here. But I am the only one I ever see hunting either and I am always careful where and how I dig so I can keep hunting. Even at the state owned parks ,I usually have a ranger come up and ask me what I am finding ,but never gives me any grief.
County owned is county tax payers so it might help to attend a board meeting and plea your case. Rules cant be changed if no one rocks the boat...

Unless the property is privately owned, it should be public property as Gyspy says. Look up the ordinance before you write it off. I find that peoples personal opinions get interjected in place of statutes sometimes.

I did look at the statutes and it does say "written permission from park director". I checked the surrounding counties and they say the same.
Oddly enough, I drove past the fairgrounds (which is county land) last night around 7pm and guess what????? There was a guy swinging coil (looked like an Ace) in the area where the the audience was for the main stage. I'm not sure how much he was able to get...he was swinging pretty fast. Had I had time, I would have stopped by and asked to see his "written permission" or informed him that if he was there without it, he's making MDers look bad by detecting whereever he wanted without permission. For all I know, it was a county employee "checking the grounds".
I think I'm going to call the parks dept. and let them know...but not use any bitter, resentful tones.

I tell my friends that I never ask for permission if I'm hunting on public land (school, public parks, open fair gorunds, ect). and not obviously a protected area like a Historical site, NF, NP, ect. I never go on private property without permission. The states that seem to regulate MD’ing the most seem to be the ones where CW relics are found.

If the property I'm hunting is public I don’t ask. When one starts asking around here (California) they automatically think something is wrong or, can we regulate this activity and charge fees, or will they hurt themselves then file a lawsuit. People will tell you they have rules stating no MD’ing and they don’t. I hunt places questionable places on bad weather days, nights, evenings, mornings and or Sunday’s. I go by the old saying out of sight, out of mind. If someone had a problum I'd just leave.

Most regulations are out dated. Go for it. put your grounds keeper work cloths on and detect. Burdie PS I have no money for fines or bail. ::) ::) ::)

Arakronn said:
Oddly enough, I drove past the fairgrounds (which is county land) last night around 7pm and guess what????? There was a guy swinging coil (looked like an Ace) in the area where the the audience was for the main stage. I'm not sure how much he was able to get...he was swinging pretty fast. Had I had time, I would have stopped by and asked to see his "written permission" or informed him that if he was there without it, he's making MDers look bad by detecting whereever he wanted without permission. For all I know, it was a county employee "checking the grounds".
I think I'm going to call the parks dept. and let them know...but not use any bitter, resentful tones.
Boy oh boy! That would of been a beautiful thing for me.I would of stopped and harassed him,just for the fun of it,because I was told no detecting there.If it turned out he was a city or county employee,then I would have been at the next town council meeting giving them an earful.

Now I'm in a bit of a dilemma. I know (by actually reading the statutes and being told over the phone) I'm not supposed to hunt on county land. Do I hunt anyway and plead ignorance if I'm approached or questioned? Do I play the "one person can make a difference" card and try to get the statute changed or ammended? Do I leave it alone and try private lands if I get permission? Smaller municipalities and townships can be a little more lienient, too. The county seems to have that "big governing body" mentality....."you can't fight city hall". However, nobody said I couldn't just walk around and watch for eyeball finds (a little more difficult without a MD). If I'm approached with "anything on the grounds is property of the county"......."ok...I saw a pile of dog crap back there...you want that, too?"
Due to time constraints, I can't really do much right now anyway (in regards to fighting city hall). Annual art festival to co-run this weekend, regular job, and a small business on the side have made this month tight for freetime.
But, if I find out about any meetings where I could voice my thoughts, I'll surely try to attend (and stop calling me Shirley).

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