

  • tooth2.JPG
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  • tooth2.JPG
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thats a really cool find, too bad that the story wasn't written down and stuffed in a jar with it..

greenswinger said:
There has got to be a good story behind this !!!!!!! ;D
Man, you said a mouthfull. I'd a thought it would have been easier to just pull it instead. :D Hey that smiley's got no teeth.

That probably needs to go to the coroners office, hell it might belong to Jimmy Haffa ;D ;D

You need to report that. If the local police aren't aware of an incident where this tooth might have come from such as an accident, then it could be part of a crime.

Hey I agree with Bergie, Report that and see where the story goes. I watch way to much TV especially CSI so this could be cool. Where did you find it. How Deep.
It cant be that old or the decay would have let the lead fall out don't you think.... Maybe it will make the local news and you will be come the official Detector for the PD. Wow. I can just see it now, your own TV show. Your gonna be rich Sasquash.The newest TV hit. Have Detector will Travel. Starring Sasquash. Great Stuff. I'm feeling a An Episode comming on now. The Lead Smile. It opens with a Blast and all you see is the blue and orange flash from the muzzle. then the smoke clears and the tooth is laying on the ground glistening in the sun, the camera then pans over and sasquash is standing there with his shades on and the detector in his case . He bends over and says............

Hey at this stage of the game I can afford to be a little off....... I am loved though and thats what counts. Beisides Pirate Ya gotta admit it is one wild find.

I do not think that is a real Tooth if it was it would be cracked and falling apart where the lead is in it not looking like it is bonded around the lead. Just my thoughts. ;D


O.K. her is the story on the tooth. I was down by the Salton sea looking for the privy to an old hunting club when I spotted some what looked to be crushed bones on a hill side I followed them for 4ft. up to what looked to be a 6inx12in. foil package partially exposed I spotted the tooth right on top & took it home still was not shure what I really had I showed it to my wife she said shot gun lead so I toke it to the local Dentist he said eye tooth human but that is not fillings in it. As for reporting it I did to the Coroner I have to drive down there in the late spring when the area dries it is inaccessible right now I don't have a 4x4 I don't think it would help any way.I thank you for all the posts I think it is pretty cool & hope to keep the tooth when this is all done. By the way this is not the only body I found last year but that is a nother story. HAVING MORE FUN THEN PEOPLE SASQUASH <><

Cobain's that gives me an idea just kidding kinda. Hay Floater that is a good idea kinda like the Dog bounty hunter but that would be body hunter a reality M.D. show I'm being funny but that is a good idea to do some kind of reality M.D. show that they find things with the M.D. to survive have it so it teaches about history or something like that not just a show that teaches gread or stabing the other players in the back. Thanks for taking the the time to read my post SASQUASH<><

That shot looks almost too small even to be birdshot...I just cant see any scenario where something would hit a tooth that hard and not shatter it. You have found bodies before?? That I think is my ultimate fear....

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