How to Stay Healthy During the Food Crisis


Gold Member
Mar 3, 2013
SW, VA - Bull Mountain
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CTX, Excal II, EQ800, Fisher 1260X, Tesoro Royal Sabre, Tejon, Garrett ADSIII, Carrot, Stealth 920iX, Keene A52
Primary Interest:
Jason Richards

You have been warned.

A food crisis is imminent and youā€™ve probably already
started preparing for it.

Thatā€™s good, but be smart while you do it and donā€™t leave out
the health aspect!

Here are a few tips on how to preserve or even improve
your health during the upcoming food crisis.

Get off the addiction to a Standard American Diet.

Donā€™t wait for food to become unaffordable--- get free now!

Processed foods (anything in a bag, can, box and most restaurants)
are usually full of monosodium glutamate, aspartame, salt, sugar,
dairy, wheat, all of which make the foods addictive!

You end up craving and eating much more than what you need.

And the toxins accumulate, making you slowly age
and degenerate into illness.

If you are hooked on these foods, you can easily become free
in about two weeks after your body makes new cells that
donā€™t have the memory of these ā€œgoodies.ā€

Salt is especially addictive.

Monoglutamate is too and even fattens you up.

Believe it or not, so does the calorie-free aspartame!

It messes up your thyroid, making you gain weight.

So dump the sodas, especially the diet ones!

(They also lead to nervous system disorders like Parkinsonā€™s,
multiple sclerosis, brain tumors.).

Itā€™s time to think of survival, not sport eating!

This will also get your mind clear and increase your intelligence.
Start eating 50% raw organic, then gradually work up
to a 80% raw organic vegetarian diet.

On a raw diet you can live on half the calories of a cooked diet,
or even less.

Your body gets really cleaned out and the absorption increases
within a year.

Cooking destroys 84% of the vitamins, 100% of the enzymes,
and makes most the minerals such that the body canā€™t use them.

(It is a miracle we live as long as we do---but our true life
span potential is at least 140 years).

You will get more than enough protein.

A study in the Max Plank Institute in Germany proved
that on a raw diet your body needs only half the protein.

Get lots of greens, nuts, seeds.

Nuts and seeds can also be stored if in tight glass containers.

A raw food diet will enable your body to prevent and even
reverse disease.

Raw foods contain tons of water, which satiates you
and prevents you overeating.

By eliminating meat from your diet you can save money:
the government subsidizes meat to the point that, according to
John Robbins (Diet for a New America), a pound
of hamburger would cost $89 if not subsidized.

(And that book was written over a decade agoā€¦)

Soon only the very wealthy will be able to eat meat.

So get used to it!

Heated meat is one of the biggies in causes of disease,
including Alzheimerā€™s and cancer.

Learn how to forage for greens.

You can live on greens.

Our closest genetic relatives (chimps) eat at least 60%
of their diet in greens.

Greens contain a lot of protein, and are the most alkaline food
(which is the no.1 thing for health.).

Just be careful though.

Christopher McCandless (the guy who the movie Into the Wild
was based on) did not read the distinctions between
two similar-looking plants carefully and that
is what killed him.

Also ask the farmers to save their (nonsprayed) weeds for you.

Offer them $20 for a box.

Weeds have more minerals than most of the greens
you buy at the store!

Minerals are more important than vitamins.

They tell your body when enough is enough, because
your body actually craves minerals, not calories.

As you are getting better and better nutrition, gradually
reduce your caloric intake.

Studies on rodents and primates prove that this extends
our lives by 30-40%.

We can get by on about half the calories if the food is
nutritious---the way to do it is by making the food
raw and organic.

Basically, stock up on all kinds of organic seeds, nuts,
gardening books and tools, sprouting books
and tools, and more.

Make sure everything is in glass containers that rodents
cannot break into.

Other things that have a long shelf life are jarred olives,
raw honey (lasts thousands of years!), and dried
sea vegetables (like kelp, which is high in iodine)
and grains or beans that you can sprout.

(But they are much harder to digest than sprouted seeds.)

You donā€™t have to be 100% raw, you donā€™t have to be
a hardcore raw foodist.

If you do, thatā€™s totally fine and thatā€™s great.

If you want to be 50% raw or 80% raw, whatever
is going to work for you will make a difference.

But just remember this, wherever you are today,
you can only get better by incorporating more
raw fruits and vegetables into your diet.

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This joker is dead wrong about red meat. The human body NEEDS red meat to survive. Red meat contains iron which is necessary to rebuild red blood cells among other things. It looks like he is pushing the vegetarian diet, which will kill you. Ever wonder why most true vegetarians die young?

The other thing most people get wrong in these survival books is the human body's need for fat. In a survival situation, the human body will break fat down for energy. Whether it is for foraging , staying warm in a cold environment, healing, etc.

These two reasons are why I pay very little attention to most "survival experts". They simple package up the same reinterated crap to sell another book.

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You've got a point. I used to date a very strict vegetarian. She measured and weighed everything she ate - kept logs, strict regime. She was in good shape, had done it for years.....

And then she was hospitalized for severe anemia....

I love steaks bacon burgers burgers steak steak steak meat balls never turning vegan I would not be whole

The other thing most people get wrong in these survival books is the human body's need for fat. In a survival situation, the human body will break fat down for energy.

Thats what rabbit starvation is.In a survival situation,if you had all the rabbit,and only rabbit,you could eat everyday you would still starve.Rabbit is very lean.

Red, that sounds like more reason not to kill all the Easter Bunnies :(

When the food shortage hits and all the nay-sayers / anti gun folks come to break in your homes to steal your food........I think there will be plenty of fatty meat laying around. Just stating facts, so settle down Feinstein!

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