That may seem like a stupid question to some but heres my situation. Im a member of a prospecting club and one of the club rules is to reclaim the holes we dig while out prospecting. Im also looking into getting my own claim and its my understanding BLM requires us to reclaim the holes even on our own claims. So heres the question, if i'm running buckets and buckets through either my BGT or my highbanker, yet only getting minimal rocks and leftovers, how is a guy to refill his hole up? Like i said its a silly question that will probably produce a simple answer i'm just unsure. Maybe filling it in with surrounding dirt? But then thats just creating more small holes to fill an big one. Also what if its a hole i wish to further dig in the future? Are we to simply start from scratch every time? Seems like that is ineffective as it would waste hours of time and energy simply moving the overburden we may thrown into the hole just a couple of weeks ago