How to make picture file size smaller


Jr. Member
Feb 11, 2005
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Golden Thread
Statesboro Georgia
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Williefire, you will need to resize the pic in your picture editor once you retrieve it from you camera. Just use any picture editor you have on you're PC. When you resize it, it should tell you what the file size is, if you need to go smaller go smaller until you are at 128KB or smaller. Hope this helps.

Re: If you are running Windows XP...

Go to the following Microsoft link and download and install the Image Resizer Powertoy.

A simple right-click on any picture (or right-click select of a group of pictures) presents you with an option to resize the picture(s).

This tool adds an option (Resize Images) to the normal menu of things you can do when you right-click something, and is easily the fastest, most conveinient way to massage pictures for the net. (Or email)


Thanks alot , i guess i just had a stupid episode there for a minute...should have known that....thanks again

williefire if varmint's suggestion don't work for your pc, you can go to and get some free software like preclick silver photo organizer, it's not very complicated and work's well, i use it alot.

good luck, mark


If you can't get it done, you can send them to me by email and I'll resize them for ya. I'll put a copy of them on my Web server and send you a link to their location as well as sending the resized images back to you.

Just let me know how I can help ya out.


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