How many nations does it take...


Kentucky Kache

How many nations does it take to make a WORLD war?

Wikipedia says a world war is a war affecting the majority of the world's most powerful and popular nations.

So, if there were six powerful and popular nations, would it take four of them to make a world war?

How do YOU define world war?

Maybe the real question is, how many more nations would have to get involved in the war we are in...?

Well, the last mess had activity upon nearly every ocean and landmass of the globe with the Axis vs the Allies.

Treaties seem to draw just about everyone into it.

Good question!

Wikipedia is open source, so probably not the best option for a definition.
It's always my first goto for a preliminary, though...

...Hopefully we won't find out a proper answer!
Remain at a level of these messy regional conflicts.
They are bad enough.

Actually, things are stirring now...

China has integrity problems with lead toys and tainted food products.
If they lose credibility in the worldwide marketplace, they will be unable to feed their population.
Energy will be the problem for Europe, with the ME and Russia holding the cards.

These are indeed exiting times in which we live!


Quote "These are indeed exiting times in which we live!"

I trust that was a 'slip of the tongue' rmptr :tongue3:
but I agree with all your other comments.

It's a pity that in any war it's the powerless (and/or the uneducated) who become the cannon fodder.

I am a complete Pacifist who has read more on War, than the majority of other people; partly to try and understand why anyone would take up arms against another.

I am currently reading 'The Forgotten Soldier' by Guy Sajer. I can highly recommend this book to anyone interested in an ordinary man's story of an extraordinary time in History.


trikikiwi said:
.... partly to try and understand why anyone would take up arms against another.

Quite simply because of the desire for power and control over others. This is the cause of most problems, large and small. Whether it's an jerk in a bar starting a fight or a nation invading another, the root cause is the same.

It's an unfortunate part of human nature (mostly from males), that will always be present.

Being a Pacifist is great as long as no one attacks you. Just ask a Tibetan.


Well that's the part I'd need to stand by most firmly, trikiwiki.

These ARE interesting times in which we live!

How can we prevent global war?
How can we feed the hungry?
How shall we replace petroleum powered transport?
How shall we farm sufficiently to feed burgeoning populations without cheap petroleum?

'Interesting times' is my lite way of putting it, if you don't mind, too much.


That's just wonderful.
Just makes me all warm and fuzzy.
A glow inside like a big shot of Yukon Jack!

Such a lofty position.
Quite an honorable aspiration, I would say.

Who DOESN'T want world peace?

Well, problem is, there are a few who don't.
They can only be dealt with by force.
Superior force.

I won't bother with examples, they are far too prevalent.


Why not ask how many licks does it take to the center of a tootsie roll lollypop ? :o

Unknown, but you can find out fer yerself ! :P
trikikiwi said:
Quote "These are indeed exiting times in which we live!"

I trust that was a 'slip of the tongue' rmptr :tongue3:
but I agree with all your other comments.

It's a pity that in any war it's the powerless (and/or the uneducated) who become the cannon fodder.

I am a complete Pacifist who has read more on War, than the majority of other people; partly to try and understand why anyone would take up arms against another.

I am currently reading 'The Forgotten Soldier' by Guy Sajer. I can highly recommend this book to anyone interested in an ordinary man's story of an extraordinary time in History.


Give me detector or else >:( Jk just wonderin what you'd do if truly confronted with your Pacifist stance. Like move outta the way I'm taking your woman or daughter etc.... Maybe that crap flies where your from but you'd never last a day Here in the Capitol District of these United States of America.

There's probably not too many pacifists left in bho windy city...

Someone said 292 less, so far this year. Yet that was last week's count.

It IS a wonderful aspiration, though.

I just wonder how you can entertain the concept, unless you have forgotten the same people that brought us the word prius had also brought us an awareness of bushido, and things like the baka bomb.

'Tamil Tigers' also comes to mind... I hope Guy Sajer has not led you to evangelize among them!

Interaction between Hutus and Tutsis always comes to mind, probably because they are fun words to say.
Yet it is tragic, in the extreme, and clear evidence pacifism won't cut it.

Of course I wish you the best

The.Boomer said:
Why not ask how many licks does it take to the center of a tootsie roll lollypop ? :o

Unknown, but you can find out fer yerself !

We are at war with another country.
Iran and who knows what all other countrys are developing nukes.
There's a WW3 atmosphere hovering around us.
So, why wouldn't this be a question you wouldn't want answered?

Cache Crazy said:
The.Boomer said:
Why not ask how many licks does it take to the center of a tootsie roll lollypop ? :o

Unknown, but you can find out fer yerself !

We are at war with another country.
Iran and who knows what all other countrys are developing nukes.
There's a WW3 atmosphere hovering around us.
So, why wouldn't this be a question you wouldn't want answered?

Easy boy, calm down now, just my crazy sense of humor, pretty sure rmptr got that from me. grrrrr :D

The.Boomer said:
Cache Crazy said:
The.Boomer said:
Why not ask how many licks does it take to the center of a tootsie roll lollypop ? :o

Unknown, but you can find out fer yerself !

We are at war with another country.
Iran and who knows what all other countrys are developing nukes.
There's a WW3 atmosphere hovering around us.
So, why wouldn't this be a question you wouldn't want answered?

Easy boy, calm down now, just my crazy sense of humor, pretty sure rmptr got that from me. grrrrr :D

I'm calm. Just pointing things out.

-Boy- :wink:

Those are all fair comments, but I have to ask; are you saying no person has the right to be an idealist?
Is it preferable to support a cause for war rather than stand up and decry it, because war is inevitable?

Cheers, Mike

Oh Mike... you walked into THAT one!

I would fight for your right to be an idealist.

Would you fight for my right to be a realist?

It is preferable to talk softly and carry a big stick.


In the end, Mike, 'fair' has nothing to do with the outcome.

...and I thought 'all is fair in Love and War' ;D

I am a Pacifist as opposed to a Warmonger.
I would defend your rights, as long as they were righteous, as I'm sure they are :thumbsup:

Cheers, Mike

and just how sure are you?


I am NOT a crook!

Pacifist and Warmongers are the same whimpering little kids at the wrong end of a gun.
True Christian Faith is all that endures !

Famous quote by Me ;D

It really only takes ONE to trigger a world war.'s something kinda interesting:

BERLIN (AP) _ An international watchdog group says Somalia is

perceived as the world's most corrupt country followed closely by

Myanmar, Iraq, Haiti and Afghanistan.

Transparency International's annual Corruption Perceptions Index

shows Denmark, Sweden and New Zealand sharing the honor of being

the world's least corrupt countries.

The annual index released Tuesday measures perceived levels of

public sector corruption in 180 countries and draws on surveys of

businesses and experts.

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