How Florida/Caribe Indians; Europeans explorers played a role to design Pirate Flags.


Hero Member
May 21, 2012
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Minelab Explorer and Excalibur; Tesoro Tejon; Fisher 1265-X; Garrett Master Hunter; White's Coinmaster; In closet: Bounty Hunter and Relco
Primary Interest:
I should write a paper on this because... after admiring John's flyer on the upcoming cookout, I googled the "Origin of the Pirate Flag." I was flabbergasted by an ignorant statement indicating that, it is unknown how the pirate flag originated other than being designed as a warning by pirates. Whoever made that statement never read some nineteenth century sources; and studied the habits of Florida and other Caribe's culture. If they did some research, it would have hit them like a ton of bricks. In other words, whoever came up with that conclusion did not look at the obvious.

It is factual that Florida Native Indians played a role in its development. I will start in the nineteenth century and work backwards. When I can, I will provide vague sources. These sources exist, I just cannot recall exactly where I read it so I must be evasive. I will ask anyone who reads this to help me by answering a closing question. It regards early Florida and Carribean maps. My Florida research mostly regards nineteenth century Florida and those were the maps I reviewed and purchased (75 maps) while researching at the Cartography Division, then located across the river from Washington, D.C.. I need a source of early Florida maps that indicate symbols along the coast--if such exists...

First, I recall in research, reading a note regarding shipwreck salvors and foreign ships flying the "Black Flag." I believe the source was from a navy or Revenue Marine logbook I read in DC when they were referring to shipwrecks along the coast; and making an attempts to burn shipwrecks before Indians could obtain lead and other articles from them to aid them in prolonging the war. (circa 1838-42).

Hence, we know, and the googled information agrees that the black flag was a warning sign that represents death and a ship flying that flag was a pirate or a salvor with no representing country (such as a privateer) and with no regard to laws of the sea. Of course, the Black Flag was not intended to represent piracy--Just warning of death. The origin of the Black Flag does not paint a pretty picture... This came about probably as far as the Black Plague in Europe where the Black Flag was flown to warn people to stay away from villages due to contagious disease. Of course, it was used in the United States.

In reading Niles National Register: a grouping of article exerpts from US Newspapers-- such as the Charleston Courier; New Orleans Paper; ect.,. They write about the humility of Yellow Jack (Yellow Fever) entering the country on foreign slave ships. These articles were loaded with statements about the humility of their conditions; the humility the nation must endure as deaths climb into the hundreds and the cities must fly the Black Flag, thus warning all who enters.

In the nineteenth century, the Black Flag on a vessel also meant the crew or cargo was carrying the plague. However, most avoided to fly the Black Flag and warn others for two reasons: First, economics--to market their cargo; and second, to quickly unload the contagious victims and avoid exposing themselves. Any vessel flying the Black Flag would not be allowed to enter port and unload. Ships were turned away when the black flag was raised up the mast.

The skull and crossbones:
This was not conjured up in some pirates head. This symbol was also a symbol of death and it was attained from the wild Florida Indians; and perhaps, other Caribe Indians in the Island. It was first used as a warning sign by early explorers to avoid these areas. The native population was violent; massacring shipwreck survivors. Furthermore, survivors witnessed their habit of cannibalism. These original Florida tribes would take their tribal members who were deceased, dress them in ceremonial; beads; gold; silver; shells; ect. However, their enemy, even from other tribes would be burned; and sometimes, devoured.
However, regarding their own people arnd ceremonial burials.....They would suspend the body from crosspoles and let nature take its course. These practices were at sacred sites. When the tribe returned later. They would gather the bones and place them in a ceremonial burial mounds. The bones would be crossed and the skull set atop the bones. Sometimes, a favorite item in life belonging to the departed would be buried with the bones. I worked on one such bundle burial site--not to dig, but to assist our first county archeologist who found the site, to assemble graphics. I did a drawing (graphics) of the mound based on her measurements and field sketches and photographs. It was published in the Florida Anthropology Magazine in the late 1970's. The bones were crossed just as represented on pirate flags and the skull was positioned atop the bones. The bundle burial, found in Pompano Beach, Florda or thereabouts, contained a wooden canoe paddle; and it pre-dated European contact. Notably, the treasures such as glass beads; gold and silver beads; ect.,.found in these post-European contact Caloosa burial sites, are strewn in the soil off burial mounds--not on the mounds; but generally in close proximity to them. To the Europeans, these bundle burials was a sign that they were dealing with a violent people, hence, the skull and crossbones became a warning sign, perhaps placed first on maps, before being adopted to pirate flags.

My question:

Does anyone out their know of pre-1700 maps of Florida or the Caribbean that display Skull and crossbone symbols?
To find such would further validate the obvious.

My assumption is that the Caribes borrowed it from the Spanish influence of Catholicism. If you'll look at old crucifixes, you'll notice a skull and crossbones at the foot of the cross. It traditionally has meant that Christ has victory over death. Some relate it to Golgotha - the hill of the skull that Jesus was crucified on. And then somehave related it to Adam's skull.

What was interesting to me was that the skull and crossbones was a Christian symbol BEFORE it was a pirate symbol. As early as the catacombs, the symbol was found to be used to represent death. The earliest I have found it used as a pirate symbol was from the Templars in the 1200s. It was their marine battle flag. Do a googlesearch and you'll find many references.

Thank You for the reply and the interesting source. I don't know why that did not come up when I googled, ORIGIN OF THE PIRATE FLAG. Guess it has something to do with the search engine. However, after reading that source, I find some of it quite valid and some it as lore. I actually forgot that the skull and crossbones are represented on some crucifixes. Also, I can guarantee that the Florida natives did not learn the method of skull and crossbone bundle burials from the Catholics because this method was in use, both in North and South America, since prehistoric times. Carbon-dating has verified that. These prehistoric burials, which date from post-Paleo era and into the copper culture have been found containing various singular objects such as a stone or clay bead; and oyster shell; or in the case of south Florida, an ancient canoe paddle. Because the symbol and the practice was apparantly in use worldwide since biblical times; it would be interesting to learn if the same burial practice was commonly used in Europe during prehistoric times. Perhaps some of our oversea members can provide some input regarding ancient burial practices and how the symbology evolved into a sign of death.

Very interesting info.

Everything Southern Digger says is exremely interesting as he is very well versed working in the field of archaeology in South Florida. This is one man that I highly respect at TN and knows what he is talking about. I do appreciate the emails you sent me in the past and I have saved them all. I kept my word and I will never reveal what you told me. But geez Digger please dont say too much about treasure at or near bundle burials online in a treasure hunting forum where anyone can read it. These threads are monitered and Im afraid nothing good will come from it..

Its just a suggestion but wait for the cookout if you insist on sharing. Im sure you have some great information unknown to most.

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SD, if what you mean by 'lore' is that it was passed down from the Catholics, then you may well be correct. I did say it was an assumption on my part with no evidence whatsoever. That assumption was based on the widespread use of the crucifix. Your use of 'prehistoric' is interesting. Since it is defined by what writings we have available for any given era, it would be different for the Americas than for the other side of the pond. The Americas have a much later prehistoric period than Europe or Asia. Apart from European influence, do we have any writings from the 'indians' of North or South America prior to the 1500s? I admit I am not well versed in researching this material. I do think we can safely state that various versions of the skull were used to signify 'death' for almost 2000 years - if not before. But its actual usage as a pirate flag comes much later. It may or may not have been borrowed from the Templars. It would be interesting to have some definitive evidence as to its origins.

Thank You. But it doesn't matter because the places where these early treasures were dug is now Govt. land and is off limits. The other area is owned by a large SW Fla. corporation and getting permission is extremely difficult. I was associating with one of their long time employees and even he could not get me permission to search some area of their holdings. However, I was fortunate enough to work with a man whoes family grew up in the everglades-3 generations. I Ghost wrote a booklet for him regarding family history and the Callowaycoochee Slough Region, including early Spanish contact and trade with the native tribes--mostly by Spanish fishermen from Havanna. It did get me onto some interesting properties, but I did not recover any early european contact evidence at places I was allowed to go. Incidentally, there are very early unrecorded settlements in that region. Getting permission these days is key.

You possess some great information.

A freind of mine is also about 5 generation South Floridian. His grandmother was the "mule lady" that crossed Shark Valley (the Everglades) in an ox cart. I try to pick his brain whenever I see him.

He also has relatives that witnessed the killing of Mr Watson.

Correction my friend is 3rd generation Everglades region. He has Grandkids living here making it 5

Im living in the Everglades now for 2 months. I stay in my camper behind historic Monroe Station. Yes everything is protected now and off limits.. When work is over Im hoping for permission to stay a few more months. Send me an email anytime. I dont have internet yet but I check it once a week at least.

I used to stop at Monroe Station in early 60's while heading out with dad to hunt every Thanksgiving and Christmas break in the Big Cypress. We used to camp either at Monument Lake and bath in that after a long day of hunting; or, we would camp where Turner River Grade dead-ended; and we would swim/bath in the canal. The TR Grade dead-ended where Alligator Alley cuts thru. I remember the Seminole Chickees and airboats across the road from Monroe Station. I was back there near Monroe Station in 1971 with my Bounty Hunter detector. I, and two others were able to take the old trail south (it was once passable) from the station to Al Capone's old place; and we searched the old Ghost town of Pine Level (Pine Crest ?). Took my father there about 10 years ago before he passed away--took a picture of him in front of the station.

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