How do you get a point across?


Jul 5, 2009
Whiting, NJ
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Ace 250
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All Treasure Hunting
There are literally hundreds of ways to stress a point and it can cover the gambit from humorous to serious and all points in-between. If you are too humorous, then few will take you seriously. If you are too serious, then many may lose interest and not listen, or just fall asleep.

There would appear to be two extremes and a ton of options towards the center.

So, my question is, "Is there a happy medium?" :dontknow:

The Delphi Oracle was a happy mediam when no one was looking.

That is how I try to get a point across. I think the "trick" is to make someone THINK. If you have a dull point you are going to put them to sleep so you sharpen it up by making them think! Just look at Spart's posts. he goes wild on those sharp points.

I think it mostly depends on the person you're trying to make the point to. I deal with people in almost any situation you can imagine. Some respond to authority, some to reason, humor, facts or even intimidation. There is an art to getting the same point across to people in different economic classes. But there are those that, depending on their mental capacity, are absolutely clueless and you just have to walk away from. Much like my daughter yelling that she can't find her Ipod that she left on the table. "It's not on the table go look somewhere else!" "But I left it there!" "Go look somewhere else" over and over again. I found it 15 min later on her bed. FYI....banging your head on the wall or steering wheel doesn't help.

Miller: the good part is most kids outgrow it!

The Delphi Oracle wasn't was medium, rather she was an extra large. You're right about trying to make people think at times, but I think miller433 had the right answer to that situation.

miller433 said:
But there are those that, depending on their mental capacity, are absolutely clueless and you just have to walk away from.

Unfortunately sometimes I still like to stay around and confuse them a little more :tongue3: No matter how many times you try and reason, or debate an issue, they never catch on. I guess some just like to rant and hear themselves talking :dontknow: The only difference with me is when I rant, I want people to take notice :laughing7:

As for the lost items, I would always tell my kids it's in the last place you used it.. :laughing7: Go back to when you last had it and retrace your steps.

P.S. I also go wild on dull posts to spice them up :laughing7:

I agree sharp posts go in quicker!LOL

The only problem in being too sharp, is that some just don't get it... It's like you said earlier about taking the time to think, many don't... Sometimes a little debate is a good thing, gets that gray matter working.

yea, I guess everything isn't black and white!

Well so far in this post everything is in black and white... That is unless you change to a different color :tongue3:


But it's raining here!!!

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