How do I turn the Bling into cah-ching?


Hero Member
Jun 17, 2006
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I started detecting in January of this year and I have a lot of rings, 31 in all. Most of them are silver except the 10k gold, butt-ungly seriously; it is the ugliest ring I have found so's hideous!

Some of them I wear. Most of them are too small for me, or not my style. What is the best way to sell them? The pawn shops are not offering squat! Ebay?

I hate to keep them stored in a closet. I find myself going to the ring closet (yes, I have a part of my closet just for my MD rings), so I can go gaze at them from time to time. I am beginning to feel like Golem from Lord of the Rings because there's a teensy, weensy, part of me that feels nauseas about getting rid of ANY of them. Not a good precious....


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I kinda lucked out. My wife works for a bank and they have a few "regulars" in the safe deposit box area. One guy always comes in with a black velvet bag...very movie cliche... Anyway, she's chatty with most of the customers and one day they were talking on the way back and she asked if he was a jewler or collector or something. He says he does jewlery design on the side. She asked him if he knew the best place to sell finding some once in a while...and he said he'd buy anything that I can give him for the weight price of the metal and would give me a fiar price for any gems he could use. I took the first few to the local pawn shop just to see and he's always given me at least double what they offer.

He's prolly still going low, but it's way better than anyone else will do and REALLY, it didn't cost me anytyhing but time, so it's win/win.

Ebays pretty good but sale it when the price is up like right now ( heres a spot price web site so you know what it is going for) and if you can send me the wieght I might be willing to buy it if the price drops, or if its old stuff. I would probably go with ebay I sell a lot of silver Items one there that I pick up at garage sales other wise jewlers will buy it to melt down and make new stuff. I wouldn't send it to a refiner as they charge a pretty penny for their service.

I am lucky in that
is only a couple miles from me an I can hand deliver my gold items to them. They give 94% of the spot price. If you MUST sell some rings you will probably receive more money selling them yourself. I have never sold any rings on ebay as the reserve price thens to put buyers off. I've sold collectable fishing lures though.

Just remember that once the rings are gone, they're gone.

Good Luck,

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