Mar 7, 2021
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I found this horse shoe on our property in Kentucky this morning. Photos of it and some compared to my horses current shoes. Not sure how old it could be? I haven’t cleaned it up yet 6AC5FD4B-746B-4A19-A5F2-60AE4C36CE88.jpeg5E56CDF9-5B09-4D23-A4E4-118751A70828.jpegA66EA0BC-3A56-4064-B5DD-FFA38E91B8D3.jpeg814F31CF-E11F-4759-972F-06D4EAD3CF50.jpg77D606FF-BED7-403A-B7B4-C19737D847C3.jpeg

Upvote 6
Looks like an old mule shoe, but hard to say how old it really is.

Get up Mule, pull the plow. Cleats for little more traction.
I would like to see you clean it up and paint the same color as your nails and than...nail above garage door marking the spot for that shinny truck.

Welcome to TNet! :hello:
You're off to a good start! :thumbsup:

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