Found this horse shoe friend thinks it was an ice or snow shoe. Made of iron and is brittle, found intact but tried to clean the mud off and it broke appart.
Ok no takers so I'll make some guesses.
1) a picture frame.
2) cat silhouette.
3) shim to compensate for worn shoes.
4) a game of horse shoes
Found this along a tidal river along with other colonial relics.
My wicked smaht 16 year old daughter who has been into horses since she was 4 says that it's a "city" shoe. The kind you would find on horses run through city streets.
the bars on the bottom end of the shoe are to protect the "bulbs"or soft part of the hoof at the rear of the nail. and the pointed bars that come to a point inside the shoe are to protect the "frog" or soft inside of the hoof.