Homeless man returns 21K; gets rewards


Bronze Member
Aug 2, 2004
Homeless Man Reaps Rewards for Honest Effort

DETROIT (July 25) - A homeless man who returned $21,000 worth of saving bonds he found in a trash bin is finding out how much honesty can pay off.

Robin Buckson, The Detroit News / AP
Charles Moore, 59, found and turned in $21,000 worth of U.S. savings bonds and got a $100 reward. Upon hearing the story, many people have sent Moore, who is homeless, $4,000 in cash and gifts.

Charles Moore, 59, had been searching for returnable bottles last week when he came across the 31 U.S. savings bonds. He turned them in to a homeless shelter, where a staff member tracked down the family of the man who had owned them.

For his good deed, the bond owner's son gave Moore $100, but residents around Michigan and in other states decided his action merited a more generous reward.

So far, Moore has received over $4,000.

One man sent him eight trash bags full of returnable bottles and a bowl of coins. Three others gave a combined $2,500, and two businessmen from Troy donated $1,200, a shopping spree and a lead on a job.

"I was thankful for it," said Moore, who had lost his roofing job in Ohio and moved back to Michigan but couldn't find work.

Moore said he plans to use the money to find an apartment.

David C. Smith, of Albuquerque, N.M., gave Moore $1,000. Smith said he and his fiancee wouldn't have thought twice about what to do if the bonds had belonged to them.

"We would have given him the whole amount, period," Smith said. "No questions asked."

07/25/06 09:53 EDT

Good for him, everyone needs a break. It sounds like he is a good guy and needs a break so I hope that it all works out for him in the end.

There are a lot of good generous people around huh, all the great donations and such.

The persons bonds these were was an 81 year old lady so the "only" $100 reward to her probably seemed like a lot.

It's great that he was "honest" and all, but heck, if your name is not on US Bonds, good luck cashing them in.


Hi Gang,

A homeless man returns $21,000.00 in savings bonds he found in the garbage and they only reward him $100.00 ?

In my opinion the bond owner is an ungrateful sack of shirt !!!
(My spelling in case there are youngsters in the room) !!

Mike in SC

I agree.

A co-worker asked me the other day (after the subject being discussed got around to wrecked armored cars): "If you found $100,000 and knew you would get 10% as a reward, would you turn it in?"

My immediate reply was "Heck yes! That would be 10 Gs in my pocket, and I would have a clear conscience to boot!"

Mike in SC said:
Hi Gang,

A homeless man returns $21,000.00 in savings bonds he found in the garbage and they only reward him $100.00 ?

In my opinion the bond owner is an ungrateful sack of shirt !!!
(My spelling in case there are youngsters in the room) !!

Mike in SC
ditto 8,800 a lot less then 21 G!

"if your name is not on US Bonds, good luck cashing them in"
there are ways how do you think mexicans get fake id papers ::)

Hi Gang,

A 10 % finders fee would have been considerate !

Some people !! Sheeeeesh !!!!

Mike in SC

The first thing I thought when I heard the story on tv was "what a cheap peice of crap".A hundred bucks? I'm glad the townfolk thought more of it than the owner of the bonds.Old bitty probably doesn't even need the money! :P Even a thousand would have worked.Christ!

Y'know, it does seem mighty stingy to have given the guy only $100. But on the other hand, look how many folks are being moved to send more, just cuz they feel he deserves it. That's pretty cool, if y'ask me.

I guess, it seems that this way, more people are doing the "right thing" because they feel the guy deserves it. If he'd received a 10% reward (what, $2,100) some people would be envious and complaining about it, to boot.

Besides, this way the guy got better than $4000. That's nearly twice as much as a 10% finders fee!

Sumpin' to think about, anyway


I'm w/Maltese - reward is very cool - and a clear conscience is priceless.

Even more good news for this honest man. He received a job from a Michigan roofing company.

Just goes to show that he is reaping the rewards far more than what was offered.

Great story. Just goes to show that you will get back what you out out!!

Alright! He got a job!


Sometimes things like this restore my faith in the human race, what with all the idiots in the Middle East ruining the world for everyone....

Just because a person is homeless doesn't mean that they are without morals or ethics. They just happen to be a victim of our economic times.

How weird...I was just ranting about this story last night to my Dad! We went into Barnes & Noble to have a cappucino and browse through some magazines. I picked up "Western & Eastern Treasures" and was taking a look in the front of the new issue.

I found the original story and couldn't believe these people gave him $100 as a reward. These people's father had died and they had thrown out bags of his old clothes (one of which contained these bonds). They wouldn't have gotten anything if he hadn't found it or returned it. This guy had no place to stay, trying to get ahead by returning glass bottles for about .05 each. He finds $21,000 and RETURNS it. What a good guy...how many people that DIDN'T have money problems would turn that money in? If that money had been my grandfather's...I would have said keep it. This guy deserves so much more than the $100. I'm glad to hear people have been helping out with a proper reward :) it's good to know there are still good people around!

WOW Staci how cute are you..... :) Ever get to Florida to do any md?

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