hit a school built in 1932


Gold Member
Mar 12, 2005
Detector(s) used
Minelab Explorer SE/Garrett GTI 2500/ Ace 250
i decided to hit an older school today in hopes of finding my first silver. i found some clad but no silver :'( . i really thought i would at least find a wheatie. maybe where the playground is now is not where it always has been. i also checked around the front doors and around the walkways.have any of you had any luck with older coins at schools? my other thought was that maybe kids didnt carry change in 1932 like they do today so there is just less of it there. either way i am going to go back because i only hit a small portion of the property.here is the rundown of todays finds:


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? ? ? I don't know about the 1st year, because they were still recovering from the depression.
Could be from that year though, and a certainty from every year there after. Hope not, but a possibility is fill had been put in at some point.? ? Good haul you got there! Good luck? ? ?HH

i hadnt considered that rvbvetter but that would make sense.do you think it would have been likely that they would have put fill over the entire property or just a portion of it. i only checked close to the building today. maybe next time i will start all the way out by the ballfield and work my way in.thanks for your insight!

thanks free that is also a possibility since the school sits right on a main road.i hope thats not the case but it certanly could be. only one way to find out i guess and that will be to go back and try another spot.

? ? I've seen it both ways. Look for low areas in the surrounding grounds and test detect those.
To see if you get anything older. I have a park here that has fill. All clad until i checked a low area.
Then got 3 silvers and 4 wheats. I posted about it here sometime back. " Mercs wheats and policeman in park"? ? From your finds it doesn't appear it's been hit lately.? So it's worth a shot.? Good luck? ? ? ? HH?

Forgot; If there's larger trees about, look to see if roots are exposed. It wouid be an indicator of fill or not. ?

As Free2Dtect has stated,

if it is visible to all from a well traveled road/highway (it's been pounded to death) by many other detectorist, because, schools and parks/play grounds are/have been the 1st place hunters search & have searched, and being that over the past 4 decades solid-- many a treasure hunter has come before, and those types of places have been long searched/cleaned out before now (for the most part).

If it's even remotely where others have a chance at seeing/finding it, it's been pounded to death (that's been my experience) and especially in the last 10 yrs or so.

If it's truly out in the middle of no where land (a long LONG way from any major city) chances are, you have a chance of finding some good coins/items, but remember, the country folk in very small town USA far removed from big city areas didn't have/lose coins/etc. like in the bigger city areas or that had close access to them. They were (and still are in a lot of respects) less fortunate as far as monetarily.

If the playground hasn't produced, try reading the landscape and look for tell-tale signs of where the older playground was. Look for subtle depressions in the ground as evidence that there was activity of some sort in that/those area/s. Use very little discrimination, and dig any "iffy" signals.

Search areas that most inexperienced detectorist would over look and or not want to search for whatever reason/s. Search the less obvious areas, and out in the middle of the property & along the edges.

The days of pulling up to an old 1 room school house and finding a dozen silver/old coins is long gone (but) I still pull an old coin or 2 from them on occasion!

look for areas that you as a detector wouldnt want to do.....places that are a little harder to detect.....most people that do schools are looking for the easy score....also hit the foundations.....
just my two cents
lone gunman

Use to find a lot of silver at old schools but that was back in the early 80s before everybody got a detector but have had a lot better luck with old parks and houses.

look for areas around any athletic fields where they may have "recently" moved the topsoil to level the field. sometimes you will find a mound or high area at the outskirts where the dirt ended up. these are great areas to find older coins and artifacts. HH omnicognic 8)

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