Pretty amazing find. That's why I posted it. And no Capri, you absolutely, without a doubt WOULD NOT be able to detect this site. First off, there is heavy construction going on there. Second, it is on private property. Lastly, it is the site of one of the greatest atrocities that's ever occurred here on US soil, so, why would you even WANT to?!?! It's basically a burial ground for all who perished on 9/11
There happens to be a LOT of history in the lower "downtown" part of Manhattan. They were digging up some ground back in the 90's when the laborer's uncovered a huge, old slavery burial ground.
Also, if anyone has ever read Michael Chaplin's book "The Urban Treasure Hunter", you'll see he has made some FANTASTIC discoveries in Manhattan. Problem is, unless there is construction going on, one wouldn't be able to detect since it's all asphalt and hi-rise buildings.
I grew up in the great city of NY. But still, whenever something like the ship above is found, I am completely in awe.