Garibaldi, if you look carefulling at its base (the part with two rivets), that is gently curved so it had to have been fastened to a curved object. It also bends away from that object. All I can think of is that it is remotely possible that you found one of the brasses that a handle was attached to off a ships' latern, similar in some ways to the one in this scan. (the exception might be that while your handle would be wire loops over the pins, the one in the scan is drilled for the loop itself. The second scan is a rerpo with a different shaped device to hold the handle, but it shows the kind of handle that might have been attached to your's with pins rather than loops.
Garibaldi, I've been trying toi narrow down the type of ship lampo for you. This type of lamp here seems to fit, as it has both the flare and it atttches the handlke with pins rather than the handle being wired through holes. Basically I think this is what you found. (sorry the scan's so small)