Here is why I dig low VDIs of 35 to 45. Also a bunch of coins, some bling and gold


Bronze Member
Apr 20, 2018
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Golden Thread
Mountain Maryland
🏆 Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
Fisher CZ-21, Minelab Equinix 800, ,Garret AT Pro,
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I haven’t had a chance to do much water detecting lately. So with the heat index at 100 plus I decided to get wet. I use the ATPro in the water because I have better luck finding the smaller pieces of gold like earring backs and fine chains.

I did all my detecting in a local park where you have to detect early and get out before the crowd shows up. There are 4 swimming areas, 2 in the day use area and 2 in the camping area. Friday I got out for 4 hours and found 50 coins with a face value of $4.53, Some pop tabs, sinkers, some cheapie earrings, two stainless steel rings (that I found in the same swing of the detector about 2 feet apart) an earring back, a $1 car wash token and a gold crucifix.


As I was swinging my detector walking through the water the water was clear and I could see the bottom and I thought I saw a little glint of gold I ran the detector over it and was getting a 37 to 39 on the VDI meter. I scooped it up and there was this beat up 14k gold crucifix that’s actually hollow. The reason the VDI is so low even though it is gold is because it is hollow so in essence it’s just a piece of heavy gold foil. When I detect I frequently find little bits of foil in the 37 to 45 range on the VDI meter but if you keep Diggin the foil eventually you’re going to find the gold earring backs, clasps, and thin hollow gold earrings.


Saturday I went camping at this same park with my wife and daughter and grandkids and so early in the morning I got up and went detecting and found 44 Coins with a face value of $3.98, a smoking device, sinkers, More bling jewelry, a St. Benedict medal, and one silver earring.


Sunday morning was the same thing. I got up early and started swingin the ATPro and found 35 Coins with a face value of $4.51, including a Sacajawea dollar, sinkers, tabs, a “grill” (fake teeth to give you a sparkling smile), More bling jewelry and the only goodie was an earring back marked 925.


Today we were done with our camping trip and home so I went out early to the park to cover one more swimming area. We are going away and I won’t be able to detect for a couple weeks cause I’ll be out of the country with no place to detect. Today when I got to the park I found out that the section I wanted to detect had the parking lot closed and it has been closed for three weeks but I figured I’d give it a shot anyway since I was there and I was glad I did. I found 20 Coins with the face value of $2.35, an enflaring needle, Some junky earrings and cheapie rings along with a silver earring back mark 925, a 10k gold Class Ring, a gold wedding band, and a British penny dated 1992.


The small class type ring is labeled in Spanish it’s from the class of 06 and appears to be a primary school. I tried to find the school online and had no luck. There are no initials in the ring and I can’t find the school so it looks like this is one class Ring I won’t be returning. It’s marked PARROQUIAL FRAY ENGELBERTO and has 06 on the side. The Class Ring is 10k like usual. It weighs .08 Troy ounce or 2.6 grams. The wedding band I found toward the end of the hunt and it’s 18k and weighs .13 Troy ounces or 4.0 grams.


I have been finding bent aluminum lie this for as long as I have been detecting and it took me several years to find out that they are what is used to close bags of ice cubes that you buy in the store. (For those of you who find them and like me don’t usually buy ice.)


After I got out of the water I had a little time before I had to be home so I spent 1.5 hours on campus with my CZ21. I found a key and a half, some odds and ends along with 28 Coins with the face value of $2.89.

No huge finds but plenty of clad, lots of bling a little silver and some gold, lots of fun and I got to start the day in the cool water. All in all a good weekend with plenty of time to be with the family as well.

Thanks for looking and may your coil lead you to good things.

Upvote 42
Thats a little bit of everything Well done yep the low tones gotta dig I like the ones that dont bounce VDI alot like pop tops do. You earned and deserved all those great finds experiance and hard work. Good Family time thats living life...Great post Thanks for sharing

Thats a little bit of everything Well done yep the low tones gotta dig I like the ones that dont bounce VDI alot like pop tops do. You earned and deserved all those great finds experiance and hard work. Good Family time thats living life...Great post Thanks for sharing

Thanks Tommy.

Very Nice!!! Congrats!!!

Wow, way to go on some great adventures and finds. Thank you for taking us along for the ride with your play by play!

Tnt Hunter, thank you for finding my long lost class ring. Sincerely, Mr. Parroquial F. Engelberto. I will PM u my address sir. HA!! Sorry, couldn't help myself lol...But wow! You cleaned up this weekend my friend! I did almost the same thing, as we camped also. I would rise esrly, get my coffee, and detect around the camp site. When the sun got unbearable I would retreat to the shade of the trees. I never made it to the one small beach there (packed!), just kinda poked around the edge of the sand and started a pull tab/beer cap/foil collection. Congrats on a STELLAR weekend...Ddf.

Looks like it was a great weekend TNT. You made some nice finds. Congrats on the gold.

That’s quite a haul you’ve got there, well done sir!

Impressive! Take the rest of the year off.

That IS a lot of bling there!! You wouldn't happened to be up at Rocky Gap would ya? I tried detecting in the the campground beach with only clad and crap jewelry. Nice find's :icon_thumright:

Nice assortment of finds!!

But have you tried the smoking device?? :laughing7:

You really did well. Great results for the AT PRO. Although the AT PRO is no longer part of my arsenal,, it helped me discover the location of some sweet gold rings. Great fresh water machine. Congrats on all of your finds.

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Great digs! I am amazed at how hard gold is to come up with, as many low tones as I dig. Only ever got one gold ring in 3 years, but I could make out well recycling all the aluminum I can dig!
Thanks for the ID on the ice bag wire piece. Dug a bunch of those and never put 2 and 2 together.
Lastly... that vape is not nicotine. That type of cartridge is THC! Enjoy!

Tnt Hunter, thank you for finding my long lost class ring. Sincerely, Mr. Parroquial F. Engelberto. I will PM u my address sir. HA!! Sorry, couldn't help myself lol...But wow! You cleaned up this weekend my friend! I did almost the same thing, as we camped also. I would rise esrly, get my coffee, and detect around the camp site. When the sun got unbearable I would retreat to the shade of the trees. I never made it to the one small beach there (packed!), just kinda poked around the edge of the sand and started a pull tab/beer cap/foil collection. Congrats on a STELLAR weekend...Ddf.

I got to the beach very early and was out by 9 so no crowds on the beach. We cannot detect in the campground only on the beach and swimming area. I also have a pull tab/bottle cap/ foil collection from the weekend, I just didn’t put it in the photos.

Keep swingin.

That IS a lot of bling there!! You wouldn't happened to be up at Rocky Gap would ya? I tried detecting in the the campground beach with only clad and crap jewelry. Nice find's :icon_thumright:

I have done that beach before and it usually is mostly clad and cheapy jewelry, but sometimes I do get a silver or gold off that beach. Keep swingin.

Great digs! I am amazed at how hard gold is to come up with, as many low tones as I dig. Only ever got one gold ring in 3 years, but I could make out well recycling all the aluminum I can dig!
Thanks for the ID on the ice bag wire piece. Dug a bunch of those and never put 2 and 2 together.
Lastly... that vape is not nicotine. That type of cartridge is THC! Enjoy!

Gold can be hard to find, but the more you dig the better your luck is. I do recycle a lot of aluminum because I sure dig a lot of it.

Glad I could help with the ice bag wire and thanks for the heads up on the THC cartridge. I never would have guessed.

Keep swingin, there is more gold out there for you to find.

nice assortment of stuff those teeff look great

Those little bent wire items are also found on the Costco 1 lb hamburger tubes.

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